AQA Geography Hot Desert Climates Mechanical Weathering

  • Created by: jess
  • Created on: 11-05-13 16:59
What is Mechanical Weathering?
The breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments.
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What is Frost Shattering?
Water from rain enters the cracks in the rock. At night when the temperature falls below freezing the water freezes and expands. As this repeated freeze thaw occurs it weakens the rock causing peices to fall off.
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How does Wetting and Drying work?
When clay gets wet is expand putting pressure on the rock causing parts of it to fall off.
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What is Thermal Expansion?
During the day the rock expands and at night it contracts. This is due to extreme variations in temperature daily.
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What's the difference between Granular Disintergration and Exfoliation?
Granular Disintergration is when individual grains fall off as different minerals expand at different rates, Exfoliation is when the outer layers flake off as they heat up quicker than the inner layers.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Frost Shattering?


Water from rain enters the cracks in the rock. At night when the temperature falls below freezing the water freezes and expands. As this repeated freeze thaw occurs it weakens the rock causing peices to fall off.

Card 3


How does Wetting and Drying work?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Thermal Expansion?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What's the difference between Granular Disintergration and Exfoliation?


Preview of the front of card 5




I thought this would be more detailed, dissapointed!

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