AQA GCSE C3 Part 1

This quiz will test your knowledge of the first chapter of C3

  • Created by: Sagz
  • Created on: 19-04-11 13:47
Who came up with the first periodic table?
John Dalton
1 of 21
Who came up with the law of octaves?
John Newlands
2 of 21
What is the law of octaves?
Every eight element had similar properties
3 of 21
How did Dmitri Mendeleev arrange the elements in his periodic table?
Order of atomic mass
4 of 21
Why was his table the one that was accepted the most?
He left gaps for undiscovered elements
5 of 21
Why do we not use Mendeleev's periodic table structure presently?
When arranging the electrons in atomic mass order, some of the positions didn
6 of 21
How do we arrange the elements now?
In order of atomic number
7 of 21
What happens to elements when you go down a group?
It gains more energy shells
8 of 21
Larger atoms...
Gain electrons less easily and lose electrons more easily
9 of 21
Where are the alkali metals located?
Group 1
10 of 21
As you go down the group consisting of alkali metals, what happens to the reactivity?
11 of 21
Why do alkali metals float on water?
Low density
12 of 21
What charge do alkali metals form as ions?
13 of 21
Why are they called 'alkali' metals?
They react with water to form a metal, soluble hydroxide
14 of 21
Where are the halogens located?
Group 7
15 of 21
What is dangerous about halogens?
They are poisonous
16 of 21
What charges do halogens have as ions?
17 of 21
As you go down the group of halogens, their reactivity...
18 of 21
What sort of bonds do transition metals have?
Metallic bonds
19 of 21
What is it called when transition elements are mixed with other elements?
20 of 21
Transition metals corrode...
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who came up with the law of octaves?


John Newlands

Card 3


What is the law of octaves?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Dmitri Mendeleev arrange the elements in his periodic table?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why was his table the one that was accepted the most?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Jennifer Scoular


good quiz apart from Q6 where the answer doesnt show properly x

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