AQA Biology B1.1: Keeping Healthy


1. Which of the following is not a method by which white blood cells combat pathogens?

  • Produce and emit flagellites, which begin to break down all constituent amino acids of the bacteria, starting at the flagella
  • Emit specialised antibodies to destroy the antigens (surface proteins) of the pathogens
  • Change their shape and ingest the pathogen through surrounding and engulfing it
  • Produce and emit antitoxins, which counteract the effects of pathogens' toxins. Antitoxins are specialised
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2. A seemingly random alteration in the composition of genetic material during its mitotic replication in asexual reproduction is referred to as a...

  • Mutation
  • Skeuomorph
  • Modification
  • Variation

3. Why can antibiotics not be used effectively to combat viruses?

  • Viruses replicate the body's own genetic material, and incorporate this into their own plasmids, and thus effectively become genetically identical to the body, and cannot be identified as harmful foreign bodies
  • Viruses are more proficiently adapted to infection than bacteria, and thus develop antibiotic resistance to quickly to make use viable
  • Viruses reside and reproduce within the body's own cells, and thus cannot be easily identified as harmful foreign bodies and inhibited
  • Viruses do not have antigens (surface proteins), and thus their protein composition cannot be fragmented by antibiotics

4. Which of the following is an accurate description of vaccines can develop immunity?

  • Dead or inactive forms of the relevant pathogen are injected into the patient. The patient's white blood cells then respond by learning and emitting the appropriate antibodies and antitoxins, remembering these for the future
  • Dead or inactive forms of the relevant pathogen pass into the body's blood vessels; the body's pores and epithelial tissues then develop preventative mucuses and acidic compounds that will trap and kill these pathogens in the future
  • The vaccine contains no pathogens, but does contain enzymes that catalyse and improve leukocytic protein synthesis; this means that white blood cells become stronger, and can produce more effective antibodies and antitoxins
  • The vaccine contains raw antibodies, antitoxins, and, in certain cases, additional white blood cells, that are then stored by the body, for immediate release if the corresponding pathogens enter the body. Leukocytes must match antigenic composition

5. Which of the following is not a potential form of contamination for laboratory cultures of non-pathogenic bacteria?

  • Air
  • Skin
  • Hair
  • Water
  • Agar jelly
  • Laboratory equipment


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