American Civil Rights Questions

Test yourself with these questions on the American Civil Rights that will help you for your exam.

What year was Brown v Board of Education?
1 of 11
What happened as a result of Brown v Board of Education?
Education was fully desegregated by judicial law.
2 of 11
Why was BROWN II held?
To make change happen with 'all deliberate speed'.
3 of 11
Who was the first recorded person to be arrested on a bus for not moving?
Claudette Colvin
4 of 11
What was the law on Montgomery City Busses in 1955?
That black people had to sit at the back of the bus and give up their seat to a white person if asked.
5 of 11
The MIA helped the boycott in what way?
Set up a private taxi-car service to help blacks get around without use of city busses.
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How did Martin Luther King become involved?
The NAACP asked him for his assistance in helping organise the boycott.
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What did the blacks want from the boycott originally?
Blacks wanted a 'first come, first serve' basis on busses and to have black bus drivers.
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Why did the boycott last over a year?
Montgomery officials denied their demands and so the blacks protested for a year instead of a day.
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Why was the boycott so succesful?
Proved peaceful protests work, made businesses lose $ millions, showed that large numbers of blacks CAN make change.
10 of 11
Why was it flawed?
The city law only made busses in Montgomery desegragated. Everywhere else was uneffected.
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happened as a result of Brown v Board of Education?


Education was fully desegregated by judicial law.

Card 3


Why was BROWN II held?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who was the first recorded person to be arrested on a bus for not moving?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the law on Montgomery City Busses in 1955?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Henry Barnes


Yay 100%!

Laura McEvilly


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