America 1920s- The Immigrant Experience

What was America's open door policy?
Immigration was positively encouraged as it enabled the nation to develop and prosper.
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How many immigrants came to the United States between 1836 and 1914?
Around 30 million.
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What were some pull factors that attracted immigrants to America during this time?
• Lots of job opportunities in America’s growing industries
• Land was cheap to buy and very fertile
• People could practise any religion freely
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How was life successful for these immigrants?
• Many people thrived in business and American politics. Scottish-born Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest American industrialist for many years. and donated lots of money to charities.
• Large ethnic communities developed in big cities, such as Little Ita
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How was life difficult for many new immigrants?
• Many immigrants lived in slums, as they were discriminated against when seeking housing or couldn’t afford decent housing.
• Many lived in ghettoes, which led to further isolation of their cultures. This led to more racist views in society.
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How was life difficult contd.
• Many worked long hours in low-status, low-skilled jobs for low pay.
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Why did the mood turn against immigrants in the early 20th century?
• After WW1, some extreme forms of nationalism created an anti-German feeling. The language was removed from some schools and immigrants were viewed as potential traitors.
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Why did the mood turn against immigrants in the early 20th century contd.
• Racial prejudice- there was a distinction between older WASP immigrants and newer immigrants. Catholics from Italy and Ireland, and Eastern European and Chinese immigrants were seen as a threat to the American way of life.
• A recession from 1920-21 cre
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Laws restricting immigration
• 1917: Immigration Act used literacy tests to exclude immigrants with low reading ability. It also banned immigration from the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
• 1921: Emergency Quota Act- limit of 357,000 immigrants per year.
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Laws restricting immigration contd.
• 1924: National Origins Act- 150,000 people per year. It also set a quota based on birthplace. Only 2% of the total population of any overseas group already in the USA in 1890 could come into the country.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many immigrants came to the United States between 1836 and 1914?


Around 30 million.

Card 3


What were some pull factors that attracted immigrants to America during this time?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How was life successful for these immigrants?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How was life difficult for many new immigrants?


Preview of the front of card 5
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