USA big knowledge checkpoint

How many model t fords were made between 1908 and 1925?
15 million were made
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what was their aim?
to make a new one every ten seconds
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how many cars were made by 1929?
4 million
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How much of americans steel was used in this process?
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how much rubber was used?
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how much plate glass?
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how much of the leather was used ?
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why was henry ford famous?
He was famous for founding the ford motor company anf gor innovative concepts in manfacturing. He introduced the assembly line as a form of mass production in 1914.
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How many cars were sold in the united states alone with in the 19 years of production?
15,500,000 were sold
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What did he introduce?
he introduce the $5 per day wage. This was a successful way of keeping his workers loyal to his company.
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in 1918 how many of americas cars were ford t models?
a half of america
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What is the moving assembly line and why did he create it?
he needed to make his cars quickly and cheaply.
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why could you only get the car in black?
you pay less when it is in black and also it would take longer to make if it was in colours.
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why could ordinary people afford to but the car?
because henry ford made all the cars at arenas economic reach which was $850
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how many cars were on the road in 1919?
9 million
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how many were on the road in 1929?
26 million
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how did the car manufacture create jobs for americans?
there were now jobs because they needed builders for roads, garages, offered resturants , hostels etc.
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who did not experience the big boom?
working poor,farmers,traditional/old industries,African American ,Native Americans and the unemployed.
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why did the working poor not experience the economic boom?
they didn't because they were working but not earning enough as their employer would only give them small wages so they could earn more money.
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give an example
6 million families had an income of less that $2,500 60% of americans were either on or below the poverty line.
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Why didn't farmers benefit from the economic boom?
farmers didn't benefit because they lost their markets, they lost all the places to sell their crops to so they weren't getting money for their produce. They also grew too much so they had too much of their own produce.
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how many farmers lost their farms?
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Why did the tradition industry not experience the economic boom ?
because new and better fabrics came around and they didn't want things like wool as the other fabric was water proof and easy to use. other forms of fuel became popular so they didn't need coal so all the mines were shut down.
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why'd id african americans not experience the economic boom?
african american did not experience it because they were share croppers which meant that they had to give a proportion of their crops to the landlord. they had no money and hardly and crops to eat.
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what did the african americans do?
they got sick of the bad conditions and moved to the north for more freedom.
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why did the native americans not experience the economic boom?
they were forced from their lands on to reservations they ere poor and their crops were impossible to grow. Native americans were extremely poor so their life expectancy was lower than any other ethnic group.
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why did the unemployed not experience the economic boom?
1920-1929 5% of the workforce were unemployed there were no benefits so they found it very hard to live. they were usually african americans hispanic and other immigrants. too poor to buy goods.
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what were flappers?
flapers were a generation of young westeren women in the 1920w who wore short skirts had bobbed hair and they listened to jazz music they were also seen as not very well behaved and were a disgrace to some people .
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what does WASP stand for ?
White Anglo Saxon Protestants
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What was the imageation law?
where all immigrants that wanted to enter america had to do a literacy test but since most of them couldn't read or write most of them failed.
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what was the emergency quota act?
limited the number of immigrants to 350,000 per year .
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what was the national origins act?
Reduced the number of immigrants to 150,000.
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Card 2


to make a new one every ten seconds


what was their aim?

Card 3


4 million


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Card 4




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Card 5




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