A2 Psychology Unit 3 Revision

What is the main feature of Bandura's theory of aggression?
Observational learning
1 of 25
How does 'vicarious reinforcement' explain aggressive behaviour..?
Observing and learning the consequences of aggressive behaviour by watching others being either reinforced or punished.
2 of 25
How did Zimbardo's research support Deindividuation theory?
He showed that 'anonymity' a key component of deindividuation- increased aggressive behaviour, e.g. in prison guards.
3 of 25
Which Insitutional aggression model examines situational factors for aggressive behaviour? And why?
Deprivation model... as it suggests that the prisoner is the product of a stressful and opressive environment..
4 of 25
Name three sources of evidence supporting the role of testosterone and it's effects on aggression..
Research - twins, challenge hypothesis, cortisol-testosterone relationship, animal studies (monkeys, cockerels, mice, pigeons), neurobiological-serotonin.
5 of 25
What gene has been associated with aggressive behaviour?
6 of 25
What is cuckoldry?
Reproductive cost that might be inflicted on a man as a result of his partner's infidelity. As a result, he is at risk of investing resources in offspring that are not his own.
7 of 25
What are two benefits of aggressive displays in groups
1) Sexual selection - aggressive males who go to battle- 'win' the right to have access to females. 2) Acquisition of status within the group - aggressive displays earn respect from other male warriors. or... 3) Sports - territorial displays - hucka.
8 of 25
Each person has 22 pairs of chromosomes... true or false?
False it's 23!
9 of 25
When a foetus is three months old..what process causes male genitalia to develop?
The release of testosterone by the testes
10 of 25
What is the name of the social constructionist theory that utlises the concept of gender 'labelling'?
Bio-Social Theory
11 of 25
GID is suggested to be caused by faulty serotonin receptors ......... True or False?
False ... caused by faulty androgen - hormone - receptors.
12 of 25
Explain how Piaget influenced Kohlberg's Constancy Theory...
The way we think about Gender roles/expectant behaviours - changes as we get older because of physical changes in the brain.
13 of 25
Gender Scema Theory explains gender development in terms of children learning gender 'schemas' from parents / peers / tv , etc .... True or False
14 of 25
How do parents act as a social influence on children's gender role development?
By giving differential reinforcement, e.g. rewarding gender appropriate behaviour and punishing inappropriate behaviour.
15 of 25
What were the three tribes studied by Margaret Mead in Papua New Guinea?
Arapesh Tchambuli Mundugamor
16 of 25
Which tribe demonstrated gender roles that were different from the traditional western ones..?
Tchumbuli - men were emotionally dependent... women were more dominant, managerial and interpersonal.
17 of 25
For an 'A' grade... Unit 3 essay evaluation answers need to feature, IDA, AO3, balanced discussion, chicken studies... TRUE or false ???
18 of 25
What other way can you pick up 4 extra marks in the exam?
QWORC marks gained by the quality of written communication, i.e. spelling, grammar, presentation..
19 of 25
How long do you have for each topic answer ??
30 minutes
20 of 25
What is the A03 term for when you question the ability of the researcher to demonstrate causality?
Internal Validity
21 of 25
Which two animal research debate points can you discuss - which questions the relevance of conducting it at all?
1) Issue of inference and 2) Cost - Benefit analysis.
22 of 25
Name of three types bias that may result if the researcher is not careful to take account of in their planning.
Gender researcher investigator ethnocentric cultural
23 of 25
Type of error whereby the researcher incorrectly rejects the null hypothesis
Type 1 error
24 of 25
Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does 'vicarious reinforcement' explain aggressive behaviour..?


Observing and learning the consequences of aggressive behaviour by watching others being either reinforced or punished.

Card 3


How did Zimbardo's research support Deindividuation theory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which Insitutional aggression model examines situational factors for aggressive behaviour? And why?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name three sources of evidence supporting the role of testosterone and it's effects on aggression..


Preview of the front of card 5
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