Why did MT resign as PM in 1990?


Why Did MT resign in 1990?

  • The Four Reasons:
    • the impact of poll tax
    • economic difficulties
    • divisions over Europe
    • growing unpopularity/isolation

Poll Tax

  • Local Govt Finance Act 1988= replaced the rates (tax on local owners of prpoerty + business) with a flat rate tax.
  • First introduced in Scotland where millions did not pay in protest. Day before introduced, big riot in Trafalgar Square w/ 400 policemen injured.
  • Pressed onwards despite warnings --> style becoming more dictatorial

Economic Difficulties

  • October 1987 stock market crash wiped 24% of shares
  • Lawson thought might trigger recession so reduced income tax rates
  • this triggered consumer boom which pushed up up prices, forcing inflation to rise to 8.9% by 1989
  • tried to control inflation by increasing interest rates, which increased to 15%
  • mortgage owners (MT's…


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