Unit 7: Meeting Individual Needs, Complete Notes

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 21-05-13 14:26

Unit 7: Meeting Individual Needs

7.1: Structure and provision of services

Four sectors for the provision of health and social care services:

  • The public (statutory) sector
  • The private sector
  • The voluntary sector
  • The informal sector

The public (statutory) sector

Includes the NHS – provides services in hospitals and in the community.

The NHS was set up in the UK in 1948, and is paid for through taxation and insurance. 

Most services are free at the point of delivery.

Some services, such as dental services, prescriptions and eye tests, are charged for. 


NHS and Community Care Act (1990)

Developed from two White Papers.

As a result of this act, several changes were made:

Social Services (**) took the lead role for community care services

** and social work departments had to produce care plans for their area

Department of social security stopped paying board and lodging for people in residential homes

Care managers were appointed by ** to assess people’s needs

Originally, services were just provided mainly by the statutory health and social care services. After the 1990s Act, services were provided by a range of agencies, such as voluntary and private care. This is the mixed economy of care. 

Following the 1990s Act, inspections were introduced, provided by the council.

The Health Act (1999) 

Primary Care Trusts were introduced.

Also allowed the introduction of:

Walk-in health centres

Increased use of day surgeries in health centres

Health clinics

Advice sessions in clinics

Wider partnerships, encouraging GPs to team up with pharmacists, counsellors and dentists to provide a range of services from one site

The NHS Plan (2000).

A ten-year NHS plan.

It set out a vision of health service designed around the patient.

The targets included:

7 000 extra beds in hospitals and intermediate care

Over 100 new hospitals

Clean wards overseen by modern matrons

Provision of better food

7 500 more consultants

2 000 more GPs

20 000 more nurses and therapists

Child care support services for NHS staff

100 on-site nurseries

As a result of these changes, waiting times for treatments should be reduced and long waits in A&E departments ended.

Structure of the NHS

The NHS is divided up into several sectors.

Strategic health authorities

28 strategic health authorities in England

Each authority is responsible for the health of the population in their area

They develop strategies for health services

Also, they manage the NHS Trusts in their area

Special health authorities

Specialist bodies are part of the NHS

Ambulance services and NHS Direct Service are examples

They are accountable to the DoH

Secondary services

Provided in or by hospitals, NHS Trusts

Trusts – created in 1991 under NHS reforms to provide hospital care, mental health care and specialist services

Some Trusts act as regional centres for specialist services, such as cancer

NHS Trusts are self-governing bodies with their own board of directors

They receive funding from the DoH and PCTs, who send patients to them

Secondary care is also provided by NHS Foundation Trusts (NHS…




Wow. This is amazing THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :)






a lot of this information is from the a2 book, which hasnt been updated with info on the new nhs system... does anyone have the new information on it?

Sam Morran


A very detailed set of notes - might need some updating but for those who don't have access to a text book - this is ideal.