The Circularity and Insularity of Virtue Ethics

  • Created by: A. Person
  • Created on: 21-05-16 01:30
  • Agent-basing as the answer to circularity.
  • Circularity problem: 'if the rightness of acts is determined by reference to righ action, then we have a circle' 

Sidgwick's Lawyer

  • Motivated by malice to prosecute
  • But prosecution also happens to be his duty
  • Is it right for him to do his professional duty, if he does so out of malice?
  • Isn't the agent-based virtue ethicist committed to saying that the lawyer acts wrongly, given that right action is determined by right motive, which he lacks?
  • Response: can suggest that failure to perform duty is in itself evidence of poor motivation; so in performing his duty the lawyer would be doing the right thing??
  • Problem: can't appeal to duty in every.
  • The major problem is that virtue ethics cannot explain why particular actions should be performed.
  • Without an indepedent specification of duty or right action…


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