
Assessment 1 -

Use correlations multiple regression 

Practical report 


Provide research questions from previous research 

Select variables from analysis 

Justify a quantitative design to investigate your research questions 

Screen data for assumptions for parametric test

Present descriptive stats (mean, SD)

Analyse and interpret data with approproate stats e.g. correlations/ multiple regression analysis 

Still use parametric if not met (pearsons) 

Report stats in order - mean, SD, data screening (histograms, shapiro wilks) correlations, multipe regression 

nExplain in your assignment that the Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression (and ANOVA) are being done for the purposes of this research study and so will still be undertaken even though the assumptions for these parametric tests have not been met – such as there being a significantly skewed distribution (from the Shapiro Wilk test). You should also state that the results of these analyses must therefore be treated with caution. how measures may relate or predict  Dont use age or gender or course studied as predictor  Multiple Linear Regression  Could enter more tahn one predictor variable into regression analysis  Habing more than one may give a beter, accurate prediciton  Predictor Variable (PV) 1 = % children attending clinic with low weight  Predictor Variable (PV) 2 = Price of millet  Criterion Variable (CV) = amount of nutrition related disease in wider population after 6 months  Non - Directional hypothesis for correlations  H1 = There will be a significant correlation between the percentage of children attending a clinic with low weight and the amount of nutrition related disease in the wider population 6 months later H2 = There will be a significant correlation between the price of millet & the amount of nutrition related disease in the wider population 6 months later Directional hypothesis for correlations  H1= There will be a significant positivecorrelation between the percentage of children attending a clinic with low weight and the amount


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