Religious studies definitions


Omniscient - God is all knowing, he knows what has, is, and will happen

Omnipotent - god is all powerful as he was able to create the universe

Omnipotent - all powerful

Omniscient - all knowing

Omni-benevolent - all loving

Cosmological argument - only god has the power to start creating so he must be behind evolution and the big bang

Interventionist - the belief in a god who loves us so much that he intervenes in our lives to help us

Design argument - because of order and the complexity in the world, there must have been a god who designed and created it - clock theory

Religious experience - people have an experience of god

Numinous - feeling of awe

Conversion - to change to or change from one religion to another

How religious upbringing can effect someone - it was how they were brought up to be - religious, may have been christened at a young age, chose to be confirmed to confirm religous belief, may attend church with friends and family, may go to Sunday school were they learn about god, may go to chruch school to learn more about Christianity, have religious people around while growing to help with religious guidance 

Evolution - scientific theory describes how humans were formed. Evolved from small organisms millions years ago

Big bang theory - scientific theory how the universe was formed by a giant explosion 

Miracle - something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done it

Moral evil - actions done by humans which cause suffering

Agnosticism - not being sure whether God exists

Natural evil - things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans

Prayer - an attempt to contact God, usually through words

Free will - the idea that human beings are free to make their own choices

Atheism - believing that God does not exist

Quality of life - the idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living

Non-voluntary euthanasiaending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to


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