Problems in Urban Environments: Rio de Janeiro Case Study



Rio de Janeiro is a Brazilian city located on the South-East coast of Brazil. It is Brazils second largest city.


There are many different problems in Rio de Janeiro and many of these are caused by favelas (also known as squatter settlements). Favelas are located on the outskirts of a major city and are constructed when people find a unused area of land and build sttlements on it out of salvaged or stolen materials such as scrap metal, and discarded wood. In Rio de Janeiro, favelas are often found on the steeper hills around the city. This because this is where it is harder and more costly for people to have houses built, meaning that this land is often unused and free for squatters to build on.

The government at first tried to clear these favelas, however they eventually gave up because the evicted people return because they have nowhere else to live. In favelas however community spirit is often high, with lots of street life, community spirit, and samba music played often.


Many of the problems in Rio De Janeiro are caused by the constantly changing and growing favelas.

OVERPOPULATION - Natural increase (where birth rate is higher than death rate) mans that the propulation is always growing) causes population pressure and


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