Music and Emotion

  • Created by: cccora
  • Created on: 07-05-17 16:03

Emotions are brief and intense

Mood refers to less intense but more prolonged experiences 

Basic emotions are associated with survival 

Music in language/emotional prosidy - parentese

Circumplex model of emotions: Russell, 1980


Organises emotions in terms of phsyiological arousal and affect

Captures the continous changes in emotional expression in music 

Physiological Components of Emotions

Behavioural response 

  • Fight or flight
  • E.g. fear = running, happy = smiling 

Autonomic response 

  • Increases in sympathetic nervous system
  • Decreases in parasympathetic nervous system
  • Bodily changes
  • Dialated pupils, accellerated heart beat, activates sweat glands

Hormonal response

  • Adrenal cortex secretes steroids to make glucose available to muscles

Brain areas involved with emotions 

  • Amygdala
  • Orbito-frontal cortex
  • Hypothalamus

Affects of damage to the brain

  • Damage to the amygdala alters emotional responses - lesions in the amygdala lead to decrease in emotional responses (La Bar et al, 1995) 
  • Damage to orbio-frontal cortex impairs ability to identify facial and vocal emotional expressions (Hornak et al, 1996)

Psychological models of emotion

James-Lange theory

Emotion producing stimulus >>> Physiological response >>> Feeling of emotion

Cannon-Baird theory



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