Morale in Wartime Germany

  • Created by: JMitch
  • Created on: 30-05-13 10:13

Morale on the home front

  • Good morale was seen as an essential part of the war effort in Germany - they didn't want a break down of the home front similar to the one witnessed at the end of WW1
  • Rationing was introduced in 1939, but portions were generous - 500g of meat a week, and cuts where only made after 1942 where meat was at only 300g a week
  • Flexible rationing was popular - those with strenuous jobs had larger rations and a 200g meat bonus was issued in December 1942
  • There were clothing shortages throughout the war but this was mainly due to panic buying at the beginning of the war
  • Britain faced the blame for war among Germans for not


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