Microiology - virology



The basic features and activities of a virus:

virus = nucleic acis surrounded by a protein coat, they replicate in a host cell

have intracellular and extra cellular phases

- they are introduced to a population where they spread and evade the immune system;

city virus = change quickly to avoid detection in a similar way to antigenic variation

the buy what i can afford virus = old enough to develop ways to avoid detection

infect whatever moves virus = highly infectious so by the time they are recognised they have already infected another person

how viruses spread between cells:

infect cells;

attatchement to a host cell is mediated by the protein spikes on the surface = glycoproteins 

membrane fusion is when the virus fuses with the plasma membrane of a cell 

endocytosis = virus is incorporated into the vesicle which fuses with viruses envelope 


when the naked virus goes to surface of plasma membrane the hosts membrane surrounds it and releases it as a bud 

persistent infection = slow release of virus without cell death 

latent infection = virus hides in cell but doesnt cause harm untill it has later emerged 


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