Measuring Development

  • Development is when a country is improving
    • When a country develops it basically gets better for the people living there - their quality of life improves (e.g their wealth, health and safety) 
  • There are many Measures of Development:
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - the total value of goods and services a country produces in a year (in $US)
      • It is a measure of wealth
      • As a country develops it gets higher
    • Gross National Income (GNI) - The total value of goods and services people of that nationality produce in a year
      • It is also called Gross National Product (GNP)
      • It is a measure of wealth
      • As a country develops it gets higher
    • GNP per capita - GNP divided by the population of the country
      • It is a measure of wealth
      • As a country develops it gets higher
    • Birth Rate - The number of live babies born per thousand of the population per year
      • It is…


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