History exam practise

  • Created by: mivigor
  • Created on: 04-06-17 15:51

How did the Romans try and prevent cime?

  • Urban cohorts//praetorian guards would protect the emperor from treason
  • Aedilles made sure outside of properties were clean and bread was sold at correct wait
  • Vigiles captured runaway slaves, or if they murdered their master the slave was crucified,
  • If a soldier ran away 10 men from the same legion would be executed too
  • punishment:- whipping, execution, excil (manly nobles)

What did Romans regard as serious crimes?

  • Patricide- killing your father
  • Arson
  • treason against you emperor/ master (lord)

In what way were criminals punished in the Roman era?

  • Excile (noblemen), burning at the stake, whipping, fighing in the collessioum…


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