F215 - Cellular Control

  • Created by: Millie224
  • Created on: 20-10-15 10:04


  • DNA molecule unzips and DNA helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds

  • RNA nucleotides match up with the complementary base (Uracil instead of thymine)

  • Base pairings bond in a condensation reaction performed by RNA polymerase

  • The enzyme moves along until it reaches the end of a gene (stop codon)

  • mRNA is released and leaves the nucleus and travels to a ribosome


  • Three bases on mRNA are called a codon they code for an amino acid, start or stop

  • Translation requires transfer RNA - tRNA

  • Each tRNA has three exposed bases at one end which is called an anticodon

  • This anticodon is required for complementary base pairing with a codon of mRNA

  • The other end has an amino acid binding site

  • Each anticodon can only bind one specific amino acid

  • tRNA transferases load the amino acids to the specific tRNA in the cytoplasm (different type of transferase for each tRNA)  

Building the polypeptide

  • mRNA is held in


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