Explanations for aggression 4

  • Created by: laurent8t
  • Created on: 17-05-17 16:21

Freud and the psychodynamic approach 

Iceberg model 

  •  Conscious mind- we are aware of it. Contains thoughts we are currently thinking at any given moment 
  • Pre-conscious mind-we are occasionally aware of it. It contains rembered dreams, feelings that havent been put into words and memories that can be recalled into the conscious mind without help.
  • Unconscious mind- totally unware of it. Contains instincts and desires, fears, motives, most of our dreams and memories that have been repressed because they are too painful

3 parts of the psyche

The ID- develops first . consists of urges and desires. The ID isnt rational or reflective, its made up entirely of feelings. The id exists entirley in the unconscious mind. ID is based on pleasure principle, it doesnt understand logic, it wants what it wants, if the id is denied its pleasure, it becomes frustrated

The EGO- It is the thinking, decision making part of the mind. The ego exists within the conscious mind. It is based on the reality principle because it undersatnds the outside world. Ego has no desires of its own


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