Essay plan: 'Compromise was the main reason for the Communist consolidation of power by 1924'. How far do you agree with this statement?



Q: 'Compromise was the main reason for the Communist consolidation of power by 1924'. How far do you agree with this statement?

What I am arguing: Compromise was not the main reason for Communist consolidation, political and societal repression and enforcement of terror was. 

à Compromise was NOT the main reason, REPRESSION and TERROR was:


Whilst compromises did make some contribution to Communist consolidation of power, it is undeniable that repression from the party on government and society by use of terror was the more significant factor. Compromises dampened antagonism and threats from the people and workers in response to War Communism, but theoretically it limited their own power, as they were handing it over to the peasants, and it created a split within the party between Lenin, and other Bolsheviks who saw it as a step towards Capitalism, which if anything, weakened the party’s unity.


A) Political Rivals:
- 5,500 Mensheviks killed 1921
- Mensheviks and SR’s banned as parties
- 11 out of 34 accused SR’s executed (Show Trials)
. Good because SR’s and Mensheviks had supported the strikes and revolts in response to War Communism – posed a direct threat, supported opposite policies.

B) Peasant revolts:
- Revolts in the Tambov Region by peasants crushed by the Cheka
. Good because the up 80% of the population; their revolting (supported by other socialist parties) could be a huge threat to power,


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