ES - CI9.1 Oxidation and Reduction

  • Created by: Gemma
  • Created on: 19-10-12 10:42
  • Gain of electron = reduction
  • Loss of electron = oxidation
  • Reduction + oxidation = redox reaction
  • Oxidising agent - accepts electrons - becomes reduced
  • Reducing agent - donates electrons - becomes oxidised


Na + 1/2 Cl2 = Na+Cl-

Oxidation States

  • Oxidation state - showing the charge an atom would have if all its bonds were ionic
  • Metals react they lose an electron - oxidised - to form +ve ions = INCREASED oxidation number
  • Non-metals gain an electron - reduced - to form -ve ions = DECREASED oxidation number
  • Oxidation state will INCREASE BY


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