childcare revision for mocks in Jan 2018


types of settings: 

  • statutory- funded by the government, Early Year Foundation Stage, pupils go free 
  • private- funded by the parents/career, set uniform for staff and pupils, not EYFS, get paid more than statutory.
  • volunary- this is not funded by government, don't get paid at all, hasn't got a unifrom and not EYFS.

individual needs and differences- additional needs:

  • wheelchair users.
  • child with autism.
  • child with a disease.
  • child who is deaf. 

settings in a local area:

  • nurserys 
  • creches
  • childminders 
  • parent and toddler groups 
  • reception in a primary school
  • private nurserys

key issues to address before working in a placement area:

  • dress code- you need to know this because you don't want to wear something that is too revealing, meaning that maxi dreses is allowed butshort above knee is classed as inapropriate.
  • who your manger is- you need to this because if you have concerns about another child you need to address this to your manger for example abuse or neglect.
  • personal hygiene- you would need to know your personal hygiene because when working in a school, nursery or creche many people touch things and forget to wash their hands after sneezing or coughing, so she is not infecting her staff or the children.key issue is that more children will be off because the germs that are being spread.
  • time keeping- this is important because then this is going to make you become organised, time keeping can assume when you are going to wake up, leave the house, how long it will take making sure that you are punctual all the time so that you are not late to look after the pupils you have, knowing this you miss out vital information about one of your children for example their behaviour might change for a certain reason, allergies, parents needing to tell a key person about something, by telling someone else there could be a concern about the child and you wouldnt know as you were not there and may have forgotten making the child at risk.
  • positive attitude- this is important because if you are going to work with children you need a positive attitude so that the children will feel safe around you knowing that you are calm and haven't got anything negative on your mind, because if the child senses that the child might fear coming to speak to you about it in a future when the child needs you.
  • location- this is an important thing because if you don't know where it is then you don't know how to get there it could take more time than it does for someone who knows the place.
  • route- you need to know the route you are taking so you can get there safe and how much time it will take which means you can also know which is the fastest route so you are not late.
  • start and finish time- this is because then you can plan ahead, what time you are going to get up, what time


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