CAD, CAM and Production



CAD- Computer Adied Design.

A common mistake is to believe that computer-aided design (CAD) refers only to drawings of a product when in reality CAD refers to any use of computer software that supports the design process.

CAD software is commonly used for circuit design. The software might use system blocks to identify which components are needed, or it might help to generate the design by calculating which components are required and laying out the circuit diagram.

One advantage of CAD software is that different design ideas can be changed quickly and easily. The circuit can be built and tested virtually to make sure that it will work. This helps to reduce the cost of buying parts and modifying prototypes. 

Once the circuit diagram has been created, CAD software can use this to create the design for the printed circuit board, which is much quicker than doing it manually.

Several different CAD packages are used in this way in schools to build up and virtually test circuits. 2D design is a CAD and CAM.

Designers use CAD to make accurate 2D and 3D drawings of circuits and enclosures. In particular, solid modelling is used to show how finished products will look. Different colours and textures can be added to the model and the product can be rotated to show different views.

CAD software is also used to create flowcharts and programs for microcontrollers.

Advantages and disadvantages of using CAD:


-Can be more accurate than hand-drawn designs - it reduces human error.
-You can save and edit ideas, which makes it easier and


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