Ancus Marcius, 642 bce -617 bce, King #4

  • Created by: ElAreAre
  • Created on: 15-01-23 14:46

Ancus Marcius was a booooooooring man. 

He was Numa's grandson. The senate needed someone 1/2 way like Romulus and 1/2 way like Pompilius. Basically half violent half peaceful, a.k.a. boring.  

Quick word learning: 

- pontiff: a roman high priest who regulated Roman religious practices.

whoot, you learned something new! now more stuff:

-ancus told his pontiff to get big oak boards and re-publish numa's laws and religious rites. this was a (vain) attempt to make the romans better people.

-he made this happen (and i quote because i'm too lazy to figure out what it memes means.): 

"Envoys would visit the enemy and demand justice. If justice was denied, then the envoy would ask each tribe to vote. If a majority of tribes agreed, then war would be declared."

Basiclly I think this means ask the enemy to surrender o algo y despues si the enemy doesn't submit then the dudes vote and if they mostly vote and agree then they vote.

