2.1 Muslim Beliefs - Edexcel RS B

  • Created by: HHaroon
  • Created on: 22-05-23 11:59


After Prophet M. died, there was disagreement about who should be the ruler.
Sunnis were OK with Abu Bakr taking over, but Shias felt it should be the next leader.

Sunni Muslims have the ‘Six Beliefs’ which must be accepted by all Muslims, based on Hadith.

1. Allah One God created and rules all. Worthy of worship.

2. Malaikah honoured creatures, worship God. HQ was sent via these.

3. Kutub God revealed holy books as guidance & proof. Main = HQ.

4. Risalah Belief in prophets & messengers of Allah.

5. Akhirah Day of Judgement, God judges based on actions.

6. Predestination Allah knows all, humans have free will.

Importance: unites all Sunnis together with one set of main beliefs, and will be rewarded on DoJ.

Expressed via:

·         Muslims recite tawhid in daily prayers.

·         Muslims end prayers by greeting angels on each shoulder.

·         They will look to HQ for guidance and understanding their faith better.

(Only Shia Muslims)

Based on the teachings in the HQ, Hadith, and agreements of early Shia scholars and leaders.

1. Tawhid oneness of Allah, omnipotent, onmipresent, unique and not made.

2. Adl justice, expects humans to be just. Humans have free will.

3. Nubuwwah prophethood, appointed P’s to teach & guide humans. M was last Prophet.

4. Imamah leadership, sent 12 Imams after M to teach and guide. ONLY SHIA BELIEF.

5. Mi’ad DoJ, each human is responsible for their actions, reminder that Allah made us.


Importance: Following these makes you the perfect Muslim, rejection = punishment.

Twelvers: rules come from the 12 Imams Allah elected 12 Imams, so must be correct.
Seveners: believe that the 7th Imam, Isma’il, was the last one.


Allah is given 99 names to help Muslims understand the true nature of Allah, but impossible to fully understand. Muslims recite the names as remembrance of Allah to develop awareness. Strengthens relationship with Allah.

Tawhid “Worship God and shun false Gods.”

Immanent Allah is close & involved in world.

Transcendent Allah is above & beyond human understanding.

Omnipotent most powerful. Creates and controls all.

Beneficent caring and loving to creation.

Merciful forgives people for their wrong.

Fair/Just judges people unbiased.

Adalat equitable & just. ONLY SHIA BELIEF

Importance: Muslims can establish a close relationship with Allah (reason of creating humans). Muslims can strive to reflect divine attributes of Allah (e.g. benevolence).


Channel of communications between Allah and people.


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