1) Education in Britain until 1988


1) Education in Britain untill 1988

The 1944 Education Act set up 3 types of secondary schools, this division is known as the Tripartite system. The 3 types were:

  1. Grammar – For more “intelligent” students who passed the 11+ test
  2. Technical – To teach skills useful in labour, for those who failed the 11+ test.
  3. Modern – For all students who failed the 11+ test and don’t attend Technical schools.Co

1970’s Comprehensive Schools abolished the 3 tier school system. With the exception of Grammar schools, children now all went to similar “Comprehensive” schools, with no selection by examination. by 2007 there were only 233 state Grammar schools remaining.

What is a “true comprehensive”?

“True” comprehensives don’t have any selection procedure. This means they dont have any restrictions on who can attend the school, it also means they have completely mixed ability classes.

Whilst many comprehensives started as true, more and more are become more selective, with tougher entry criteria and more usage of setting and streaming.

The case against selection (advantages of comprehensive education)

  • Opportunities remain open – A childs achievement is not limited by their success in the 11+ test. The ability to gain good qualifications and have success in school remains possible through a child’s schoolife; you are not as restricted by not…


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