Urban functions and land use patterns in Sunderland



a 'site' is the area occupied by a settlement.

expansion to the east is limited by the coast, the site is split by the river Wear.

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Structure was established in the nineteenth century.

1801-1901 Population grew from 12400 to 146000

Economic boom and migrants flocked to the city for work in shipbuilding, coal and glass industrys.

The CBD is located on the south bank.

inner city zones of high density, low quality housing delevoped on both sites of the river. These houses were lived in by the ship workers and coal employees.

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Growth was sectoral which followed major roads which came out of the city centre.

the growth made way for roads, water and sewage pipes. Suburban growth was low density and improved living standards.

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1980's the industry hit hard as foreigns companies took over ship builing and coal mining.

Since the 1990's the river has been redeveloped and creating new jobs, new land uses and a new urban morphology.

£55 million investment in luxury apartments, pubs, clubs, restuarants and bars.

further up the river the old Vaux brewery is being turned into offices and apartments.

on the other side of the river there is a leisure-led development.

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