Managing urban change

  • Created by: tarryn
  • Created on: 14-05-13 14:07

What are the characteristics of urban areas?

Urban areas have a variety of functions, processes and distinct patterns of land use.

The patterns of land use are influenced by a number of factors and these vary from place to place.

the range of functions found in urban areas including industrial, commercial, residential and recreational;

the land-use patterns that develop in urban areas;

the social, economic, political and environmental factors that influence land-use patterns

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What are the social and economic issues associated

Urban growth and decay can lead to a variety of social and economic issues in urban areas.

The study of two contrasting urban areas to illustrate:

• why socio-economic deprivation occurs;

• the characteristics of urban deprivation, including economic wellbeing, housing and environmental quality and social conditions;

• the social and economic differences existing in urban areas;

• the problems of managing the growing demand for services such as health, education and public transport.

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What are the environmental issues associated with

Urban change can put increasing pressures on the environment including:

• traffic congestion;

• atmospheric pollution;

• water pollution;

• urban dereliction;

• waste disposal.

The study of two contrasting urban areas, including practical research or out-of-classroom work – fieldwork, to illustrate:

• the problems of traffic congestion and atmospheric pollution and their management;

• the problems of managing increasing volumes of waste;

• the problems of managing the growing demand for services such as water and sanitation;

• how urban change can create areas of dereliction.

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How can urban areas be managed to ensure sustainab

Sustainable management requires an understanding of the dynamic nature of social/economic/political processes in urban areas.

The sustainable development of urban areas requires a careful balance of socio-economic and environmental planning.

The study of at least one example to illustrate how planning and management practices are enabling urban areas to become increasingly sustainable.

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key ideas

• Urban landscapes

- consist of a variety of interdependent and interconnected activities and processes

- change over time and space and will vary dependent on their location

- have certain characteristics and result from a variety of factors

• Change in urban areas will produce a variety of impacts

• Urban change results in opportunities and challenges

• Can urban development be sustainable?

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