Unit 1 - Health and Social Care


Self Image

The mental picture we have of ourselves

Influence by

  • Personal Appearance
  • Media (Television)
  • Comparison with others
  • Comments from others
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Self Esteem

How we like, respect and accept ourselves

Influenced by;

  • Attitude from parents/carers
  • Success/Lack at school or work
  • Comments from others


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Expected Life Events

Things that are going to happen to you as you get older.

  • Starting/Leaving school
  • Moving out
  • Getting a job
  • Parenthood
  • Living with a partner
  • Marriage/Civil Ceremony
  • Retirement
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Unexpected Life Events

Things that happen by surprise; you don't know they'll whether they'll happen or not.

  • Death (Partner)
  • Death (Family/Friends)
  • Accident/Injury
  • Ill health
  • Unemployment
  • Imprisonment
  • Promotion
  • Exclusion/Dropping out of education
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Economic factors - Influences of life

Economic Factors;

  • Employment Status
  • Income
  • Wealth
  • Occupation

Work =

  • Contentment
  • Worth
  • Raises self esteem


  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Lowered self esteem
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Physical factors - Influences of Life

Physical factors;

  • Housing conditions
  • Type of house
  • Level of pollution
  • Rural/Urban area


  • Noisy
  • More health risks
  • Crime is higher
  • More air and noise pollution
    • Increases illnesses such as asthma


  • More freedom                         >Less jobs
  • Cheaper
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Psychological Factors - Influences of Life

3 main types of relationships

  • Family members
  • Friendships
  • Partnerships
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Infancy (0-2)

Keywords -

Gross Motor Skill - Being able to move/control the larger limbs of the body like your legs. E.g;

  • Crawling
  • Walking
  • Running

Fine Motor Skill - Being able to move/control the smaller limbs of the body like your fingers. E.g;

  • Holding a spoon
  • Tying shoelaces
  • Writing

Language Development - The process children go through when learning to communicate with others

Egocentric - To see the world only from your viewpoint/perspective

Bond - To form an attachment with a parent/carer

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Early Childhood (3-8)

Social play - The stage where children play together, sharing their toys

Role models - Someone who people copy because they admire the persons behaviour/attitude

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Adolescence (9-18)

Abstract thinking - The ability to think about something that might not exist

Peer group - The social group a person belongs to with influences behaviour

Oestrogen - A female hormone that controls the development of sexual characteristics and stimulates change in the reproductive system

Testosterone - A male hormone  that controls the develpoment of the male sexual characteristics

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Early Adulthood (19-45)

Physical Peak - When someone is physically at there fittest

Menopause - The natural pernament stopping of menstration (periods) ususlly between the ages 45-55

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Middle Adulthood (46-65)

Mid-life crisis - A dramatic period of self doubt caused by the passing of youth.

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Late Adulthood (65+)

Dementia - An illness that affects the brain and memory, which makes you gradually loose that ability to think for yourself.

Skin Elasticity - Where the skin gets so stretched that it doesnt return to its natural form, causing wrinkles

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Physical Factors (Genetic) - Born this way?


  • Skills and talents can be passed through genes
  • Intelligence, personality and sexuality can be passed through genes


  • Genetic conditions can be inherited, E.g; Down's Syndrome
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Physical Factors (Choices) - Born this way

Things that affect growth and development

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Drug Use

E.g; If a person is heavily overweight the rist of type 2 diabetes and heart disease increases. These are often caused through the type of lifestyle we take.

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Environmental Factors - Born this way?

Outside factors that effect you;

  • Expect life events
  • Unexpected life events
  • Genes
  • Social/cultural/emotional factors
  • Economic
  • Physical environment
  • Psychological relationships
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Religeon influences the way;

  • People dress
  • People eat
  • People lead their lives

E.g; A muslim lady may find it traumatic to be checked by a male doctor/nurse as there is a muslim law forbidding any contact between the 2 genders unless they are married.

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Good resource to use for revision, thank you



Really good resource of revision and has really helped in revising, Thank you



Seriously tho, great work and amazing to use!

Honey wealth


intelligence, personality and sexuality isn't inherited



I love this, perfect for the health nerds :)



this is rubbish need some more information




molly dunn



Wajeeha Mughal


so many spelling mistakes!!!



Image result for human life stages

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