The Relationship between Religion and Morality

  • Created by: Mjuskiw
  • Created on: 23-06-21 18:56

Divine Command Theory

Meta-Ethical theory

God tells us what is immoral/immoral


  • Ten Commandments
  • Sermon on the Mount
  • Shariah Law
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Advantages and Disadvantages of DCT


  • Surely no better source for deciding what is right and wrong than God's unchanging law?
  • God is inherently good
  • Absolute Rules
  • God knows what is best for us: objective as well as our creator.


  • If God can change laws whenever he wants then morality isn't set and is therefore redundant.
  • Religious pluralism: how do we know which one is right?
  • Interpretation is subjective.
  • Reliant on belief in God.
  • In conflict with modern life.
  • The Euthryphro dilemma
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The Euthryphro Dilemma

What is the problem if God only commands X because it is good?

God is only the messenger and is redundant. Why worship a God subject to the same moral rules as us?

What is the problem if X is only good because God commands it?

God decides what is moral. God could command us to do anything evem immoral actions.

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Aquinas 4th way

The Moral Argument

  • God is the maximum/ cause of everything including goodness.
  • If God is the maximum/perfect he must exist.
  • All lesser forms must strive towards that ultimate good.
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Sources of Morality

Theonomy - All morality is revealed through one revelation, The Bible.

Heteronomy - Morality is revealed by God in many forms e.g. the 10 commandments, NML and the Bible.

Autonomy - Morality is governed by the individual but can use sources of revelation to guide/inspire e.g. situation ethics.

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Describes religion as a virus:

  • Misleads education
  • Motivates terrorism
  • Giving children a religion is a form of child abuse.

Explanations for the origin of morality:

  • Not from God.
  • Morality evolves to maximise our opportunities in society, especially the continuation of the species.
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Religion and Morality gone wrong

Immoral actions condoned by religious teachings:

  • condemnation of homosexuality
  • discrimination of women


  • promote big families
  • abstain from all forms of birth control

Westboro Baptist Church:

  • known for engaging in inflammatory, homophobic and anti-american pickets.
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Should Abraham have killed Isaac on command?

Yes - God's law overrides the moral law of society (Kierkegaard)

No - If morality is universal then surely it should stand up to pressure even from God. Leads us to question free will.

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