Stratford Redevelopment

The case study for the Redevelopment of Stratford in the borough of Newham in time for the 2012 London Olympic's.



  • East London, UK.
  • Stratford in the borough of Newham.
  • Includes part of the Lea Valley.
  • Most assessable borough outside of central London.
  • Good rail links to Essex and serviced by Docklands Light Railway = a transport hub.
  • City of London Airport.
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Why Does London Need the Olympic's?

  • Improve currant transport - Eurostar.
  • Bring in Economic benifit from Tourists.
  • Improve the Education - Construction College.
  • Newham is one of the most deprived boroughs with high levels of crime.
  • Large areas of brownfield land from de-industrialisation, or industry is run down.
  • Housing is unattracive and run down - much needs replacing. Only 25% of the population own their own home.
  • Has the highest percentage of single parent families in the UK.
  • Young population with over 25% under 16.
  • Below average health care, Death rate is the third highest in London.
  • Only 16% get 5 grades between A* - C at GCSE.
  • Also a high number drop out of school early.
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Features of the Redevelopment:

  • River Lea cleaned to make it safe for people and wildlife.
  • Olympic village green environment themed (50% will be affordable housing).
  • Construction college to train locals to build the Olympics.
  • Relocation of existing industry and housing.
  • Upgrading of the DLR and main overhead railway Northern Line.
  • New Eurostar terminal - £17 billion high speed rail service.
  • Rehabilitation of old industrial areas and Brownfield sites.
  • Environmental landscaping to create areas of green space along the River Lea, total of 100ha, including 45ha of new wildlife habitats.
  • Overhead pylons replaced with underground cables.
  • Media Center
  • New Arenas - Stadium, Velodrome, BMX Park, Aquatic Center, etc.
  • Improved infrastructure; Bridges, Pedestrian Walkways, Cycle lanes, Electricity, Gas and Sewage.
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Social Impacts:

+ Sport and Recreational facilities with improved facilities for British teams and local clubs/residents.

+ Athletes village; improved housing stock including 50% affordable. (Total of 40, 000 new homes with mixed size and cost)

+ Bringing the community together through planning involvement.

+ Job Creation.

- Short term disturbance of construction work and increased traffic - Noise and Air pollution.

- Inconvenience short term as transport routes closed/busy.

- Local residents forced to move, communities broken up - Clays Lane. (They are given compensation and new homes.)

- Loss of 140 local leisure facilities.

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Economic Impacts:

+ 50 000 new jobs including 2000 construction jobs.

+ Media center will attract investment and provide jobs.

+ Short term increase in tourist revenue - befit local businesses.

+ Improved infrastructure, including accessibility will attract investment.

- Local industry (300 +) forced to move to unequal land further from workers.

- Cost of housing likely to increase - local people forced away.

- Investment may bring highly skilled and professional jobs not suited to the currant locals.

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Environmental Impacts:

+ Cleaner and more attractive environment.

+ Environmental landscaping - 4000 trees, 74000 plants, 30000 wetland plants.

+ Increased wildlife diversity.

+ Reduced visual, noise and air pollution from bad neighbouring industries and traffic.

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+ Improved environment and facilities will promote environmental awareness and healthier lifestyles.

+ Creates a green lung - permanent open green space.

+ 97% of building material was salvaged from demolitions. (Bricks, paving slabs, stones and timber sleepers.

- Doubts that cost will allow provisions of affordable housing after the games.

- Doubts that local community were sufficiently involved to insure their long term benefit.

- Doubts that the jobs generated will be suited to the skills of locals and may attract university educated into the area who will get the long term benefits.

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Thank you sooo much!! Using it for an exam question.

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