Spoken Language Features

  • Created by: Sarahrf
  • Created on: 26-01-17 13:05


-Way in which words are pronounced

-According to a region or social class of a speaker

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Adjacency Pairs

-People taking turns to speak e.g "Hello, how are you? Im good thankyou."

-Usually formulaic and ritualistic

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-Words, phrases and non-verbal utterances used by the listener to show the other person that they are listening e.g "oh" "I see" "uh-huh"

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-A reduced form often marked by an apostrophe in writing e.g "can't=cannot" "she'll=she will"

- Similar to Elision

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-Words such as "this", "that", "here", "there", which refer to backwards/forwards or outside of a text

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-The distinctive grammar and vocabulary which is assosiated with a regional or social use of a language

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Discourse Marker

-Words/Phrases used to signal a relationship /connection "on the other hand", "first", "what's more"

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-The omission/slurring of sounds and syllables e.g "gonna= going to", "wannabe= want to be"

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-The omission of part of a grammatical structure "you going to the party", "might be"

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False start

-When a speaker begins an utterance and then corrects themself. This is called self-correction.

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Examples are "erm", "uhh", "ah"

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Grice's Maxims

-Four basic components:

Quantity (not saying too much/too little)

Relevance (keep to the point)

Manner (speak in a clear, coherant and orderly way)

Quality (be truthful)

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-Words which soften/weaken something that is said e.g "perhaps", "maybe", "sort of"

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-An individually distinctive style of speaking

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Interactional talk

-Conversation between two people

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Non-fluency features

-Characteristics of speech that influences e.g hesitations, false starts, fillers, overlaps, interruptions and repetitions

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Paralinguistic features

-Related to body language (use of gestures, facial expressions and non-verbal elements) this adds meaning behind the words that the speaker is saying

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Phatic talk

-Another word for small talk e.g "how are you... fine"

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Prosodic features

-How something is said e.g affected by pitch, tone, rhythm, pace etc

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-An alteration made to correct or clarify a previous conversational contribution

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An alteration to a previous conversational contribution

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-A social dialect or variety of speech used by a particluar group e.g working class/ upper class speech

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Tag question

-Strings of words normally added to a declaritive sentence to turn the statement into a question e.g "it's abit expensive here, isn't it?"

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Transactional talk

-Language to get things done

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