

  • Created by: annie
  • Created on: 13-05-11 11:05

The general equation of metals reacting with acids

metal + acid gives salt + hydgrogen

for example:-

zinc + hydrocholoric acid  - gives -zinc chloride + hydrogen


zinc + suphuric acid - gives - zinc sulphate + hydrogen

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The general equation of metals carbonates reacting

matal carbonate + acid - gives - salt + carbondioxide + water

for example:

Magnesium carbonate + hydrochloric acid- gives- magnesium chloride + carbondioxide + water


Calcium carbonate + nitric acid - gives - calcium nitrate + carbondioxide + water

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The general equation of metal oxide reacting with

metal oxide + acid - gives - salt + water

for example:

copper oxide + sulphuric acid - gives - copper sulphate + water

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The general equation for metal reacting with oxyge

metal + oxygen - gives - metal oxide,

for example,

iron + oxygen - gives - iron oxide,

and so on.

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