Sacraments 101 (5)

  • Created by: L12345
  • Created on: 23-04-17 16:51

Marriage rite

Entry of bride

Priest gives a joyous welcome

Bible readings followed by sermon on nature & purpose of marriage

Then asks the couple 3 key q's: freely & without reservation, will stay with each other forever, and that they will be open to the possibility of new life.

Consent/ exchange of vows, 'through sickness & in hell, till death do us part'.

Exchange of rings- no-one can now break the bond; 'what GOD hath joined together let man not separate' Mark 10:9

Nuptial mass, Sacrament of the Eucharist; strengthened through Christ.

Prayers for couple & marriage blessing

Signing of the registar- marriage legal as well as sacramental.

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Candidates are called forward by name, & asked if they are willing to serve the church

They promise to study & pray, celebrate the sacraments & obey the bishop

Their prostration is a sign of their submission to & dependance on GOD

The bishop lays his hands on each man's head, praying for the gift of the holy spirit

The candidate is anointed on the hands as a symbol of his choice by GOD and readiness to do GOD's work

Given chalice, paten & vestments to celebrate the Eucharist

Peace is shared & priests celebrate the Eucharist (mass) with bishop & fellow newly anointed priests

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Penitent spends time alone in prayer & mediation

Goes to a priest

Confesses her sins, expressing SORROW & A WISH TO BE FORGIVEN

Priest gives helpful advice

Priest sets a penance, to help them get back on the right path

Priest declares GOD'S  forgiveness, using a special prayer:

'May God give you peace and pardon, and I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit'

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Anointing of the sick

Sprinkling of holy water; reminder of grace given at baptism

Laying on of hands; symbol of holy spirit's strengthening power

Anointing of forehead & hands with holy oil & a special prayer: symbol of healing + inner strength to those about to die

Prayer is offered, specific to sick person's needs

Holy Communion is given: if the sick person is dying, it is called VIATICUM, spiritual food  for the journey ahead.

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Funeral rite

Coffin taken to church night before or VIGIL (wake) at home

Priest greets mourners at church door

Coffin sprinkled with holy water: sign of dying & rising with Christ at baptism

White sheet on coffin or baptismal robe or cross or Gospel book


Prayers, commiting dead person to GOD'S care

Coffin sprinkled with holy water


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