Unit 10.1 J1 Beliefs and Values revision cards

A detailed overview of Beliefs and values.


Key Words- 1.

1. atonement- reconciliation between God and humanity.

2. catechism- the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.

3. compassion- the feeling of pity which makes one want to help the sufferer.

4. creeds- official statements of Christian beliefs.

5. faith- firm belief without logical proof.

6. incarnation- the belief that God took human form in Jesus.

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Key Words- 2.

7. monotheism- belief in one God.

8. repentance- the act of feeling sorry for wrongdoing and deciding not to do it again.

9. salvation- the act of delivering from sin, or saving from evil.

10. Trinity- the belief that God is three in one.

11. Unity- God's way of being one.

12. Virgin Birth- the belief that Jesus was not concieved through sex. 

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Belief-Unity &Trinity.


  • Trinity-belief that God is three in one.
  • Unity-God's way of being one.
  • Trinity and unity can be represented using a shamrock-a leaf which has 3 parts.
  • Trinity-it is like how a man can be a father, uncle and husband all at the same time but still is one person-unified.


  • It proves monotheism.
  • In the Nicene Creed it says "I believe in one God."
  • It says so in the Catechism- "The Trinity is one" #253.
  • It proves God is omnipotent (all powerful) that he can be a Trinity and a Unity at the same time.
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Belief-God as Father.


  • Enables a father-child relationship with God.
  • Shows that God is omnibonevolent- (all loving) and has a relationship of love and care with his creation.
  • In the Lord's Prayer we say "Our Father" and ask him to provide "our daily bread."
  • God guides us and Christians can turn to him in time of need just like a child to a father.


  • Jesus told his disciples to call God Father through the 'Our Father' prayer-without Jesus, no Christianity.
  • The creeds and Catechism say to teach Catholics to call God Father. Apostles' Creeds: "Father Almighty".
  • Christians can have a close, personal relationship with God.
  • If God was not the Father, Jesus wouldn't have been sent for salvation.
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Belief-God as Creator.


  • God created humans in his image so humans must be special.
  • God is omnipotent-he created the universe out of nothing.
  • The universe must be a wonderful creation if God created it.
  • If God created everything, there must be a meaning and purpose to it, given by God.


  • It shows God really is omnipotent.
  • It shows that God is our Father because human fathers also 'create' children.
  • The Apostles' Creed says "Creator of heaven and earth."
  • It shows the universe is not an accident.
  • It proves that the creation of the universe was too complex to be just coincidence.
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Belief- Jesus as the Son.


  • Jesus is the incarnataion of God-he is God on Earth.
  • Christians believe he was fully human and fully divine-he could feel pain and anger, but he could work miracles.
  • He had God's powers on Earth, because he is God's son, which explains why he could perform miracles.
  • His death was to replace the punishment human sin deserved, but through his sacrifice salvation was achievable.


  • Without Jesus, there would have been no salvation and only the Son of God could do this.
  • It is a teaching of the Creeds and Catechism.
  • Without Jesus as the son, there would be no Christianity.
  • Believing in Jesus as the Son allows Christians to see the love shown by God's son, helping them share God's love with neighbours.
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Belief-Holy Spirit.


  • The third person of the Trinity.
  • God's presence on earth today.
  • 7 gifts- courage, awe and wonder, reverence, wisdom, understanding, right judgement, knowledge.
  • Inspired writers of the Bible.


  • Proves that the Bible is the Word of God because the Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the Bible.
  • In the Creeds it says "I believe in the Holy Spirit."
  • The gifts it gives help people do wonderful things- Maximillian Kolbe offered his life to save another man's life-this took courage.
  • It inspires the teachings of the Church so the teachings should be followed as if they are God's teachings
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  • Sin-it is an action that breaks God's law and makes it difficult to be in contact with God-builds a wall between a person and God.
  • Salvation is the act of delivering from sin and saving from evil.
  • Without salvation, a person's unforgiven sins will send them to hell or to purgatory.
  • Salvation is the reason why the Church and the sacraments are important.


  • It saves people from being sent to hell and helps people have eternal life with God.
  • Without it, there was no purpose for the death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • It also gives Christians a reason to try to live a holy life.
  • Without salvation, there would probably be no Christianity.
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Loving God & it affecting Christian lives.


  • It can be shown by following the teachings of the Church and living a Chrisitan life.
  • It can be shown by praying.


  • Jesus said that loving God is the greatest commandment and it is the first Commandment.
  • God showed his love by sacrificing his son to save humanity, so the least we can do in return is to love him.

Affecting lives-

  • Using talents/abilities to show love of God can affect choice of career, use of money, marriage partner.
  • Following vocations and taking holy orders.
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Love of others.


  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan is an example of this-shows that loving neighbours can make a huge difference.
  • Parable of the Sheep and the Goats-Christians should show love to everyone in need.


  • Jesus said it was the second greatest commandment, and to "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan is important because it shows that you should love your neighbour whatever race they are-it supports anti-racism.
  • In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus says that those who help people in need will "go to heaven" and those who don't will "go to hell."
  • Showing love of your neighbour is showing love of God (greatest commandment.)
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Religious Community-Love of God.

Carmelite Nuns

  • They take the evangelical counsels to show love of God.
  • They celebrate the Eucharist each day.
  • They do manual work.
  • They spend almost 12 hours a day in pray and worship.
  • They follow the Carmelite Rule-they meditate day and night on the Word of the Lord.
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Religious Community-love of others.

The Missionaries of Charity

  •  Founded by Mother Teresa-1950.
  • As well as taking the evangelical counsels, they also vow to serve the poor.
  • For about 12 hours a day, they love others by working in the centres run by the religious order.
  • They also run orphanages, AIDS hospices  and care for lepers, refugees and victims of disasters.
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Love of God & others in the local area.


  • A Church provides worship.
  • It provides sacraments so people can show their love of God.
  • Regular Bible readings and homilies are given to help them understand an learn more about God.


  • By making sure Catholic children grow up around people who love them and share the same beliefs.
  • Parents teach their children the faith.
  • By supporting local Catholic schools and helping with school liturgies.
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