Question 1B Media Theories



Laura Mulvey- Male Gaze

Men look at women and the media reinforce this by filming from a male point of view so normally it's as if the camera is 'male'.

Can you see evidence of the 'male gaze' in the representation of femal in your work? If you're female how do you feel about this? If you weren't aware of this theory when you made your work? how do you feel now?

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Binay Oppostitions

Binay Oppostitions

Which binary oppostitions help to structure your text and how?  Why have you used them? Were you aware of using them or was it a subconscious decision?

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Death Of The Author

Death Of The Author

Barthes' believed that readers (ie the audience create their own meaning so textc are always 'unstable and open to questions')

Barthes draws an analogy between text and textiles, declaring that a text is tissue {or fabric} of quotation, "drawn from" innumerable centres of culture, "rather than from one individual experience." The essential meaning of a work depends on the impressions of the reader (ie the indicidual memberof the audience), rather then the 'passions' or 'tastes' of the writer; "a text unity lies not in its origins," or its creator, "But in its destination," or it's audience.

You could link this to audience reception model and use this if you get a question that's specifically about audience. Apply this to one of your productions.

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