OCR GCSE History 1939 - 1975 (Women)

A set of revision cards for the topic of women.


Butler Education Act (1944)

The Butler education act showed the first step in the direction of equl rights in education for both men and women and this act entitled many women to enter secondary education act. 

In the 1960's 1/3 of undergraduates were women.

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Equal pay campaign committee established (1943)

The equal pay campaign committee was established after the second world war to resolve disputes of the issue of lower pay for women and also the fact that they received lower payout from insurance companies. Although this committee had very little immediate effect because in 1946 Women were still earning only 42% on average of what men earned.

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Contraceptive Pill (1961)

The invention and distribution of the contraceptive on the NHS marked a new age of sexual freedom for women it meant that women had far more control over pregnancy, and this gave women a far more independent role. Although a few people did disagree with this based upon the thought that it would encourage sexual promiscuity in young women.

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Abortion act (1967)

The Abortion act made abortion legal through licensed practitioners, and it is also caused this medical service to become free through use of the NHS.

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Divorce reform act (1969)

This made it possible for women to excape a marriage far more easily instead of having to prove that the marriage had a fault they could simply be divorced. Unfortunately some people did not support this because they believed that Women would marry purely to get half the money of the person they married.

As a result of this the divorce rate increased dramatically.

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Equal pay act (1970)

This act was to inhibit any less favourable treatment of men or women in the area of pay. It was passed in the aftermath of the ford sewing machinists strike in 1968, faithfully recreated in made in dagenham.

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Sex discrimination act (1975)

This act inhibtited the discrimination of men or women based on sexuality or marriage, and was later amended to affect transsexuals as well. It affected employment, training and education.

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Germaine Greer "The female ******" (1970)

Germaine Greer was a very important figure in the Woman's liberation movement which had quite a lot of success in the 1970's, she became most popular at the publishing of her controversial book "the female ******" which addressed the issues of sexism. Greer aimed to establish not only equality with men but for women to find freedom and embrace it.

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Women's liberation movement

The women's lib movement made many advancements in the 1960's to 70's mainly because of the Labour government under which many social changes came about even the legalisation of homosexual acts in private.

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Miss World Protest (1970)

This protest happened on the 10th of april outside the finals of the Miss world competition held in Albert Hall, while it had very little effect on the competition many members of the group see it as an important date marking the beginning when women began to feel they were being treated like objects instead of people.

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Beveridge Report (1942)

The Beveridge report was slightly sexist because it assumed that all women had to be housewives and all men were the money earners in the house.

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