Music Area Study 2 - Peripetie

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 04-04-13 13:59


  • Based on one intense mood
    • inner feelings expressed intensely
    • not always dark subjects
  • Expression of emotion and state of mind of composer
    • more important than keys and structure
  • Musical ideas developed rapidly
    • no long sections
    • no long pieces
  • Writing in true atonal can be tricky
    • certain notes sound prominant
  • Arnold Shoenberg created serialism to solve this
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Arnold Shoenberg

  • 1874 - 1951
  • No formal training 
    • amateur until 24
  • His originality caused controvosy
  • His performances were rare
  • Extreme emotions came from:
    • the breakdown of his marriage
    • his wife commiting suicide
    • financial difficulties
  • Left Nazi-Germany to teach and compose in America
  • Started writing in atonal - 1908
    • called it Pantonal
  • Created serialism
    • to solve true atonal difficulties
    • all 12 notes are given equal status
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Five Orchestral Pieces

  • Summer 1909
  • Written by Arnold Shoenberg
  • Full orchestra
  • Set of 5 atonal pieces
    • 1-5 minutes long each
    • Not connected to each other
  • No titles to begin with
    • perferred the music to tell the story
  • Pitches and harmoniesused for effect
  • More concerned abouttimbresthan melody
  • All based on different hexachords
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Five Orchestral Pieces Continued

  • First perfomance - 1912
    • Bad reception
    • Too daring and experimental
    • Didn't portray the vivid colours Shoenberg wanted
  • Second performance - 1914
    • Better reception
  • New edition - 1922
    • Added titles to market it
    • Titles were obscure and irrelevant
      • Premonitions
      • The Past
      • Colours
      • Sudden Revolt/Peripetie
      • The Obbligato Recitative
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  • Peripetie - Sudden Role Reversal
  • Only 17 minutes long but 90 players
  • Atonal, based on hexachord
    • as a chord or part of the melody
  • Made up of 5 sections
  • In 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time
    • although time signatures aren't important
  • Structured around a kaliedescope of mixed motifs
    • appear in different guises presented differently
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Peripetie Features

  • Triplet hexachord fanfare
  • Sextuplets
  • Diminution
  • Muted trumpets/trombones
  • Lifting trumpets
  • Fist in further horns
  • Pizzicato
  • Contrary motion
  • Exaggerated effects
  • Fragmentation
  • Divisi hexachord
  • Extreme dynamic contast
  • Extreme range
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Samuel Richardson


This set of revision cards gives a really nice basic background to, and key features of Schoenburg's 'Peripetie'. 

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