Multiculturalism 15 Markers

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 17-06-17 12:51

Support of minority rights (how + why)

  • minority/special rights: rights belonging to specific ethnic/religious/cultural groups > whole society
  • lib. multis: guarantee of indiv. freedom + personal autonomy - cultural membership promotes personal self-respect
  • plu. multis: defence against oppression by preventing values/lifestyles of minorities being devalued/ridiculed
  • redressing social injustice i.e positive discrimination
  • right to self-gov. i.e in case of national minorities subjected to colonial subjugation
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Defence of diversity

  • cultural diversity compatible with political cohesion (multi. characterised by refusal to link conflict/instability with diversity) bc diversity underpins political stability (people only able to fully participate in society on basis of cultural recognition + belonging)
  • diversity is beneficial to both indiv. + society
    A) indiv. - diversity ensures toleration + allows indiv. to adopt what beliefs + cultural practises they wish
    B) society - generates vigour/vibrancy based on existence of variety of lifestyles/cultural practices/trad./beliefs promoting cultural exchange between groups then fostering cultural understanding + willingness to respect difference (antidote to social polarisation + prejudice)
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Criticism of liberalism

  • plu. multi. criticisms
    1) liberals tend to absolutise liberalism (endorsement of cultural beliefs/practices compatible with lib. commitment to indiv. freedom + personal autonomy
    2) liberals believe in universal values appliacale to all societies + cultures, seen as cultural imperialism
    3) liberal reluctancy to accept distinctive cultures/religions as being publicly recognised bc such issues belong in private sphere > public sphere
    4) liberal democracy as only legit. political system (rival political forms as oppressive + tyrannical)
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Con. reservations

  • shared values + common culture as necessary preconditions for stable + successful society (nationalism > multiculturalism)
  • ∴ multi. is inherently flawed bc multi. societies are inevitably fractured/conflict-ridden -> suspicion/hostility/violent being commonplace
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Why it is seen as form of identity politics

  • identity politics: seeks to advance interests of particular groups in society in face of actual/perceived oppression + marginalisation by strengthening awareness of collective identity + common experiences
    1) identity that conventional society tries to impose on cultural minorities is inauthentic/oppressive -> process of political marginalisation + cultural oppression
    2) respect + recognition for distinctive cultural identity of particular communal groups amounts to powerful form of political self-assertion; emancipation through embracing authentic cultural identity enjoying public recognition
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Multi. as form of communitarianism

  • communitarianism: belief that self/person is constituted through community in sense that indiv. shaped by communities to which they belong ∴ owing community debt of respect + consideration
  • multi. rooted in communitarian view of human nature in that people cannot be understood outside of society but are intrinsically shaped by social/cultural contexts in which one lives in
  • ∴ culture in fundamental to political identity in that society being made up of rival cultural groups seeking recognition + respect (rejects universalist model of personal identity)
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Liberal criticism

  • universalist liberals:
    1) factors i.e culture/ethnicity/religion etc are of secondary importance as far as indiv. identity is concerned (against multi. notion that cultural difference should be publicly recognised + celebrated)
    2) indiv. rights > minority/group rights; rights/entitlements only meaningless if applied to indiv.
    3) ethical pluralism; legit. ideas/practices violate fundamental liberal commitment to freedom + personal autonomy i.e forced marriage/female circumcision/bans on apostasy
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Link with liberalism

  • liberal ideas/theories provide strong basis for endorsing cultural identity
    1) liberal support for toleration on grounds it benefits indiv. + society (showing respect for views + practices they disapprove of)
    2) state should be neutral on "the good"; state shouldn't intrude on realm of moral decision-making belonging to private indiv./groups
    3) liberal democracy provides most reliable basis for political harmony within culturally divided societies
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Support for cultural mixing

  • liberal + cosmo. multis

1) societies in which there is variety of lifestyles/cultural practices/traditions/beliefs are more vigorous + vibrant promoting intellectual + social development

2) cultural mixing widens opportunities available to indiv. ∴ fostering personal growth + development

3) promotion of toleration + understanding ∴ willingness to accept difference

4) encourages people to embrace responsibility as global citizens by allowing them to transcend narrow cultural + national heritage

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