Microbiology and prevention of infection

microbiology terms

  • Created by: Jonathan
  • Created on: 22-09-08 17:07


A group of microorganisms which lack a distinct nuclear membrane and may be unicellular.

Some parasitic bacteria causes diseases by producing poisons.

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A minute particle that can replicate but only within living cells.

They can effect animals plants and microorganisms.

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Arrising from outside or part of the body.

Applied from substances in the body derived from the diet rather than built up by the bodys own process of metabolism.

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Why handwashing is most effective method of reduci

  • Reduces number of microorganisms on hands
  • Reduces risk of transmission of microorganisms to patients.
  • Reduces risk of crosscontamination amongst patients.
  • Reduces the risk of transmission of infectious organisms to onesself.
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Chain of reaction

  • Ateiological (agent)
  • Resevoir (source)
  • Portal of exit from resevoir
  • Method (mode) of transmission
  • Portal of entry to host
  • Susceptable host
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Chain of infection cont.....

  • 1 Person with flu
  • 2 Resevoir = respiratory system
  • 3 Portal of exit = Upper respirotory system ( mouth and nose)
  • 4 Mode = Airbourne (sneeze)
  • 5 Portal of entry =Upper respiratory system (breathe in)
  • 6 People who are immunocompromised such as the elderly or people with immunocompromising diseases such as HIV
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Ways a nurse can reduce spread of infection

  • Clean uniform-Change of clothes to and from work.
  • PPE's (personal protective equipment) eg use of gloves and aprons when dealing with bodily fluids.
  • Correct disposal of infected equipment eg clinical waste bags and sharp bins.
  • Cleaning steralising and disinfecting equipment.
  • Isolation precautions.
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A microbe that is/are normally in the body but do not usually cause infection

eg those in the bowel.

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In micro biology flora (plural floras) refers to collective bacteria and other microorganisms in an ecosystem.

Usually an animal host or a single part of its body.

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Microorganism that parasitises on an animal, plant or human and produces a disease.

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An infection whose development is favoured by a suitable environment such as a hospital where a patient acquires a HAI (Hospital Acquired Infection) such as MRSA.

Such infections include fungai and bacterial.

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Invasion of the body by harmful organisms (Pathogens) such as fungai, bacteria and viruses (protozoa).

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The bodys response to injury (defensive reaction) of tissue injury and may be caused by infection, chemical or physical agents.

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The complete absence of bacteria, fungai, viruses or other microorganisms that could cause disease.

The ideal state to perform patient interventions.

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Arrising within or derived from the body.

Such as that created by the process of metabolism.

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