Meaning and importance of Christians of believing in God as Creator

  • Created by: Mari
  • Created on: 01-01-18 10:40

Meaning and importance for Christians of believing

The meaning of believing in God as Creator.

1) God created the universe and everything in it. Therefore this life is not an accident. Life has a meaning and purpose given to it by God.

2) God created the universe out of nothing (ex nihilo) therefore he is all powerful and is the cause of all life.

3) As God created the universe and God is good the universe itself is good.

4) God created humans in his image so humans are a special creation.

5) God created human being last. They were the ultimate creation made after the rest of the creation.This shows they are the most important part, pinnacle of God's creation.

6) God as Creator gave humans the responsibility of caring and safegarding his Creation. This gives Christian life added purpose

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Meaning and importance for Christians of believing

Sources of Authority 

Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:31- God saw all that he had made and it was very good.

Psalm 19:1-2 -The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display his knowledge.

Catechism of the Catholic Church 315- In the creation of the world and of man, God gave the first and universal witness to his almighty love and his wisdom, the first proclamation of the "plan of his loving goodness" which finds its goal in the creation in Christ.

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Meaning and importance for Christians of believing


Christians believe that God is the creator of the universe and that is in it including human beings.This means that life is good and that life has a meaning and purpose given to it by God.

It is important to Christians that God is the Creator of the world because it shows his power, his love and his relationship with God and humans.

It is also important because if God created the world it means humans should regard it as Holy and treat living this accordingly. 

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