Marx and Engels 2:


how does capitalism turn into revolution?

  • We know the material world provides the driving force of history
  • breakdown of capitalism is necessary to move history forward to the next stage
  • specifically, the material dialetic will create whatever comes next.
  • capitalism has its contradiction and when these are resolves the productive power of capitalism will be realised 
  • befor that a revolution is required. 
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'Capitalism's Grave diggers:

  • Hegels slave and master epoch and the knowledge he says slaves acquire by labouring.
  • capitalism everyone works together in the same places of employment... living in same places and so on.
  • thererfore seeds of communism are already there.
  • Marx and Engels epochs are distinguished by the different social relations of production and the different production technologies that fo with them.

Journey of Self-discovery: 

  • same sort of journey as Hegel based his whole philosophy on.
  • involving self-estrangement and ending in self-discovery: from primitive communism back to communism
  • a quest for some sort of perfection: complete knowledge is the same as the stat of real history, ie when the human story will really begin.
  • when the human story really begins it will do so with us returned to out real selves and with real human between each other.
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Theory of social class:

  • spontaneous change or an agent of change
  • M and E the agent of change are social classes.
  • and classes are defined by economic position - not just in capitalism.

Class and modes of production: 

  • in ancient society its master and slace.
  • in feudal society its landowner and serf
  • in capitalism its bourgeoisie and proletariat
  • in each case there is a diffent economic system (mode of production) and a different sort of property.
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Class conflict:

  • a revolution in everything including the forms of property.
  • the whole of history is a tale of class struggle
  • there are as many classes as there are way of subsisting and this many differnt relationship to propoerty. 

Classes and Ideologies: 

  • ideology arises from an economic position
  • classes think the way thery do because of thier economic position
  • in their idology they are thinking about their positiong (and interests) through this may not always be obvious to us or even to them.
  • classes often come up with ideas which are very convenient for them and which help to justify their actions.
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one ideology isn't as good as another:

  • depend on your material circumstances how useful your ideology really is for you.
  • the isolated (from each other) peasant could only come up with armed nationalism
  • the higher classes came up with ideas that were much more useful to them.
  • indeed the top classes had the material circumstances which allowed them to actually impos thier ideas on others.
  • rulling class/rulling ideas.
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one ideology isn't as good as another:

  • depend on your material circumstances how useful your ideology really is for you.
  • the isolated (from each other) peasant could only come up with armed nationalism
  • the higher classes came up with ideas that were much more useful to them.
  • indeed the top classes had the material circumstances which allowed them to actually impos thier ideas on others.
  • rulling class/rulling ideas.
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