Location of industry in LEDC- Kenya

  • Created by: Sharla16
  • Created on: 11-04-17 19:20

Primary industry - farming

There are lots of farms on the Nyanza and Western Provinces.
These are the areas that receive enough rainfall to grow crops.
The farms produce coffee + tea, tobacco and fruits.

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Secondary industry- manufacturing

There's lots of manufacturers in Nairobi.
They produce textiles, foods and drinks.
The area has :
good transport links (e.g an airport)
good labour supply - population of 3 million

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Tertiary industry - tourism

Strong tourist industry near Mount Kenya.
It's the second highest mountain in Africa.
It has a national park.

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Extra info

Primary - livestock is reared on farms in North Easten Province - climate suitable for grazing.

Secondary- there is cement works in the Coast Province- limestone from nearby deposits is a raw material.

Tertiary - Also in the coast province, there is a strong tourist industry because of the beaches - eg Diani beach

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