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  • Created by: alex rae
  • Created on: 16-05-16 09:42



Lydia Becker- spoke at mothers' meetings, church groups and political organisations.
1909 Royal Albert Hall 
Open air venues, e.g. Trafalgar Square, market squares etc. 
13th Febraury 1907- 1st Women's Parliament meeting held at Caston Hall (close to HOP)
Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage (major members mostly WSPU) 1880 Manchester Free Trade Hall 


Trade union conferences and major cotton towns. 
Between 1908 and 1918 the Royal Albert Hall hosted more than 20 women’s suffrage meetings, playing a vital role in the fight for women’s right to vote in the UK. here were also more than 20 suffragette meetings and rallies at the Royal Albert Hall between 1908 and 1918. The WSPU became the first group to be banned from the hall, because of costly disruption and damage.

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Demonstrations and Pilgrimages


Feb 1907 - Mud March with 30,000 women marching from Hyde Park Corner.

August 1913 NUWSS pilgrimage


June 1908 - E. Pankhurst led WSPU demonstration where 7 processions met in Hyde Park (500,000 activists) 

WSPU and WFL 1910 E.P. led 600 ex-prisoners, each with a prison arrow. 


1912 Month long pilgrimage from Edinburgh to London

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1870- The Women's Suffrage Journal - Lydia Becker 

Actress' Franchise League- wrote and performed propaganda plays e.g. The Reforming of Augustus 1910. 


1907- 'Votes for Women'

Own song- THe March of the Women

1908 Football Cup Final - 'Votes for Women' kite flew over field and gave invitations to women present. 

1909 Women's Exhibition and Sale of Work in Knightsbridge- 2 weeks long and raised £6000

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Persuading Parliament

1907- NUWSS Wimbledon ran entire campaign for their Liberal MP 

1910 - Birmingham branch of NUWSS wrote to 52 candidates to ask for view on suffrage --> canvassed to support sympathisers.

1912- Allegiance to the Labour Party, 'Election Fighting Fund'

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