ICT Topic 3


The Internet

The Internet is a huge network that links networks of computers all over the world. All of the computers use the same protocol- TCP/IP- so that they can communicate and send data to each other.

Most widely used service on the Internet= World Wide Web (WWW)

-Uses HTTP protocol to allow users to access web pages

To connect to the Internet you need a Network Interface Card (NIC).

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Internet Use (1)

Internet Use:

  • Blogs- Online diaries, Post and share experiences
  • Social Networking- Websites that allow chat, messaging, email groups and file sharing
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)- Need fast Internet connection
  • Online Albums- Photo albums hosted on a website, allows you to share and back up photos
  • Email- Sending messages, can access using laptops, phones, etc...
  • Instant Messaging (IM)- 'Talking' in real time by typing messages, helps collaboration
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Internet Use (2)

Business on the Internet

  • Email, Instant messaging, VoIP- ways of communicating over the Internet
  • Advantages- Aid collaboration
  • Disadvantages- Possibility of over reliance/misuse
  • Cloud computing- storing software and data so it can be accessed anywhere
  • Advantages- Don't need to buy multiple software licences
  • Disadvantages- Possible security issues
  • Video conferencing- two-way audio and video transmissions
  • Advantages- reduces need for travel (lower costs)
  • Disadvantages- people don't communicate as well as when face to face
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Internet use (3)

Learning on the Internet

  • Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)- web-based system allowing students, etc... to communicate
  • Advantages- students can access tasks/resources uploaded by teachers
  • Disadvantages- cannot access without Internet connection
  • News Websites
  • Advantages- use RSS feeds to see latest stories, search archives to find old stories
  • Disadvantages- posssible over-relaince rather than using a number of sources
  • Email, instant messaging, VoIP
  • Advantages- improved/quicker communication
  • Disadvantages- possible over-reliance/overuse
  • User-generated websites (Wikis)- websites to which people can add their own content
  • Advantages- up-to-date information with lots of peoples inforamtion
  • Disadvantages- anyone can add content, may be inaccurate/biased
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Security measures

When you buy goods online or join a social networking site you have to set up an account with a username and password. You use the password to prove your identity.

Security questions are one example of a challenge-response test. Some sites (e.g. banks) require you to answer security questions as well as your password. This can be used to identify yourself if you've forgotten your password. 

Sites use CAPTCHA which is used to check that the form is not being completed automatically by a software. There is no software that can read the letters displayed.

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Personal spaces

Types of personal space:

  • Blogs
  • Social networking sites
  • Personal page on VLE/work social media platforms
  • Personal websites
  • Online photo albums
  • Forums

You can design your own websites and blogs. You can also personalise your social networking and personal VLE pages. You can add- Photos, Personal Information, Text and weblinks, Likes/Dislikes, New feeds

  • Make online albums private
  • Don't befriend everyone
  • Check and use your privacy settings
  • Think before you share anything
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Information misuse

Overt data collection- You know the data is being collected

Covert data collection- You don't know the data is being collected


  • Hackers can install software called Trojaans to spy on your computer
  • Trojns record all of your key strokes/take pictures of your screen
  • Hackers can find out your personal/financial information- use it to commit fraud

Identity Theft

If fraudsters find out people's personal details they can use them to make money by pretending to be that person.

Organisations make money by selling personal information, e.g. the Government sells personal details to private companies.

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Preventing misuse


Cookies track your browsing activity and are a major privacy concern. Users control cookies by:

  • Setting their browsers to accept/reject cookies
  • Setting their browser to prompt them each time a cookie is offered

Any website that collects info from its customers should have a privacy policy describing the website's use of cookies.


Phishing emails are sent to get information out of people. Banks say they will never conatct you by email asking for secure details.

Look out for:

Impersonal greeting, Threat, URL that doesn't take you to the bank website when clicked, Request for personal information.

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Preventing spyware

-Use a firewall to prevent spyware being remotely downloaded to your computer
-Install antispyware protection software
-Be wary of downloading free music and movie file-sharing programs

-Surf and download more safely:

  • Only download programs from websites you trust
  • Read all security warnings 
  • Never click 'agree/ok' to close the window of a website you're not sure about
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Data Protection Act and Computer Misuse Act are designed to protect our privacy.

Data Protection Act 1988 (Put in place to protect us. Companies holding our data are required by law):

  • To keep it secure
  • Not to ask for more data than necessary
  • Not to keep data for any longer than necessary
  • To keep data accurate and up to date
  • Not to use data for any other purpose without our consent

Computer Misuse Act (With the widespread use of the Internet it is now easier to remotely log into a network or someone's computer to steal/corrupt data). The computer misuse act lists three levels of crime:

  • Unauthorised access to computer material
  • Unauthorised modification of computer material
  • Unauthorised access to a computer with intent
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Copyright, Designs and Patents Act protects people's original work. 

  • All original work is copyright. The person who creates a work owns the copyright, they are the only person who has the right to reproduce/adapt/sell it
  • Copyright owners can use Creative Commons licenses to allow certain uses of their work

Why bother?

  • People spend a lot of time and money creating these materials. They deserve to be paid.
  • If not paid then they will not be able to afford to create any more.

Consequences of illegal file sharing

  • You can be prosecuted
  • Your internet service provider may prevent you from using the Internet
  • You could be sent to prison
  • It has a huge impact on the music/film industries.
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