History Chapter 1 - Key profiles - Henry VII Tudors

  • Created by: NathC
  • Created on: 19-12-16 13:55

Thomas Lord Stanley

1435 - 1509

Henry's stepfather

stood aside from battle of B - When he joined in it was crucial

He was rewarded with the position Earl of Derby

Had considerable royal power over the Northwest of England + North Wales

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Edward, Earl of Warwick

1475 - 1499

Son of Edward IV's brother ( Duke of Clarence)

Placed in the Tower of London - 1485

Remained their excluding occasional public appearances

Alleged to have plotted with Perkin Warbeck against Henry VII in 1999

Beheaded for doing so

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Sir William Stanley

1435 - 1495

Brother of Thomas Stanley

Henry VII's Step- uncle

Given the position of Lord Chamberlain after the Batlle of Bosworth

Considerable political influence

Developed landed estate in Chesire and North Wales

Accused of Treason in 1495

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Lambert Simnel

Boy from Oxford

Taught by a priest at Court (Richard Symonds)

Impersonated Earl ow Warwick

Caught at the battle of Stokefield 1487

Spared by Henry and worked in the Royal Kitchens

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John De la Pole (Earl of Lincoln)

1460 - 1487

Nephew of Edward IV and Richard III

successor to the throne (R3)

Seen as Yorkist leader after the Battle of B

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