geograhpy rivers- bangladesh floods case study

cards on causes, short and long term effects and short and long term responces



  • desnsly populated
  • land covers delta of three rivers
  • flooding common
  • tropical cyclones
  • snow melt
  • urban buliding on flood plains- cutting down trees

                   - more surface run off

                   - less interception

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short term effects

  • half bangladesh flooded
  • 760 killed
  • 8.5 million homeless
  • 35 million effected
  • rice and fish frming destroyed
  • communications destroyed
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long term effects

  • 1 million children suffer from malnutrition and disease
  • rebuilding costs $2.3 million
  • food aid is needed for 1 year as bangladesh cannot support itself yet
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short term responces

  • emergancy aid (food, water tablets, plastic sheets, boats, medicine)
  • distribution is hard as most areas are under water
  • rebuilding houses and jobs (farming and fishing)
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long lerm responces

  • flood action plan:

        -  river enbankment

        - levees

        - 3500km of coastal and river enbankment

  • dams built
  • flood shelters
  • emergancy supplies put in place
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