- Teachings and Beliefs

- Statistics

- Impacts and experiences

- Positives and negatives

- Key Definitions


Mind, Body, Rights and Responsibilities

Mind (Muslims):

  • Muslims believe that you should not go to prayer with a befogged mind. You must have a clear mind in order to focus on Allah and show dedication.
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Mind, Body, Rights and Responsibilities

Body (Christians):

  • Christians beleive you can do whatever you want, but not everything you do is good (beneficial). Body = Gods temple. God paid a high price for you (Jesus' death), so glorify God with your body.
  • Life is borrowed from God, you must treat it well, as it will be returned.
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Mind, Body, Rights and Responsibilities

Responsibilities (Christians - The Salvation Army):

  • The Salvation Army belive that humans are made in the image of God and therefrire the body should be treated with respect. 
  • The Salvation Army promote thr welfare of the human body, as well as the mind and spirit.
  • Whilst some lifestyle choices may be legally and socially ecceptable, they may have consequences on you and others.
  • The Salvation Army provides support through its care and work in the community.
  • They refrain from the use of these substances (alcohol, drugs etc.)
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Religious B & T - Body and Mind


  • 'All things are lawful for me, but not all things are beneficial. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by this ... Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body'.


  • 'Do not come to prayer with a befogged mind'.
  • 'Life is a borrowed space, to be returned (to God) upon rest. This is taken to mean both spirit (or soul) as well as body.
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Religious B & T - Impact/Morality


  • 'Love your neighbour as you love yourself'.
  • 'Do not be a stumbling block to others'.

47% of victims of violent crime report their attacker being drunk - link to impact as well as morality.

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Religious B & T - Issue of Alcohol

Christian mixed views on alcohol

  • Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding at Cana, so isn't alcohol ok for celebrations? 
  • 'Do not get drunk on wine as it will corrupt you'.
  • Alcohol is permitted by most Christians as it is normally used for the celebration of the Eucharist. 'After support he took the cup saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in rememberance of me'.
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Religious B & T - Muslims Views

  • Muslims consider that all non - prescribed drugs are the work of Satan and are designed to lead people away from God. It is thought that all drugs enable people to escape from real life which would mean that they cannot serve Allah well. - Prescribed drugs are ok.
  • Tobacco is, not specifically mentioned in the Qur'an as being Haram  but some muslims say it is Makruh (strongly disliked).
  • Alcohol is haram (forbidden in Islam).
  • Sin of Shirk - It's forbidden, 'befogged mind' - Alcohol is forbidden, dedication needed towards Allah.
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Impacts of Drug Abuse - On Individual

On Individual:

  • First you could feel more 'popular', or confident etc. but it could potentially lead to depression, self harm etc. You never know the potential effects, it is different for each individual. Some effects could have disasturous results (e.g. suicide)
  • One drugs leads to another. Before you know it you could be consuming drugs that you promised yourself you never would.
  • Serious abuse can lead to rehab.
  • Drugs can change you.
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Impacts of Drug Abuse - On Family

  • Bad relationships
  • Family can become upset, worried, stressed
  • Long term impact - debt
  • Family suffers
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Why do people drink alcohol?

  • To forget
  • To have a good time socially
  • To relax
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Why do people smoke tobacco?

  • To calm themselves
  • Addictive 
  • Socially
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Why do people consume caffeine?

  • Addictive
  • Wake themsleves up/give energy
  • Like the taste
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Effects of Alcohol Abuse

  • Decrease in brain tissue and function
  • Liver disease and failure
  • Increased aggression
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Loss on control and judgment
  • Pregnant women risk the health of their baby
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Effects of Smoking

  • Stains fingers and teeth
  • Cancer of the mouth, throat and lungs
  • Emphysema
  • Dries the skin
  • Pregnant women risk the health of their baby
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Effects of Caffeine

  • Insomnia
  • Withdrawals can lead to headaches
  • Restlessness 
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Alcohol Facts and Statistics

  • Alcohol is 45% more affordable than in 1980
  • The government makes £8 billion a year in tax on alcohol
  • 40% of weekend admissions to hospital A & E at weekends are alcohol related 
  • Alcohol related health issues make up 1.2 million hospital admissions and cost the NHS £2.7 million a year
  • 47% of victims of violent crime report their attacker being drunk
  • 3% of 11 year olds think it is OK to get drunk or to drink weekly, 48% of 15 year olds think the same
  • Alcohol related crimes cost £11 billion a year
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Smoking Facts and Statistics

  • Smoking is the greatest cause of illness and early death in the UK - on average 20 years less than a non - smoker
  • Each cigarette shortens a person's life by 11 minutes
  • In 1972 50% of the adult UK population smoked. Now it is 1/6th 
  • 20 - 24 year old women are the biggest group of smokers in the UK
  • You are more likely to smoke if you come from a poorer background and have less education
  • 2/3rds of smokers start before they are 18
  • 600 11 - 15 year olds start smoking in the UK everyday
  • The government earns £12.3 billion from tax on tobacco products a year (77% of a pack of cigarettes is tax)
  • Cost of 20 a day = £8. Over a year that's £3000
  • Treating smoking related illnesses cost the NHS up to £5 billion a year
  • 30,000 children visit a GP every year because of the effects of 2nd hand smoke 
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The Law on Alcohol

Can drink at 5 if at home and under parental supervision, 16 or over in resteraunts with a meal depending on the owner, otherwise 18 or over.

Have to be 18 or over to by alcohol.

UK drink driving limit is higer than most of Europe.

Penalties for drink driving - 6 months imprisonment, up to £5,000 fine, possible ban for minumum of 1 year.

Death by dangerous driving - up to 14 years in prison, unlimited fine, 2 years+ driving ban.

If you sell alcohol to under 18s, you can face a fine of up yo £2,500 and risk losing your license to sell alcohol.

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The Law on Smoking

Smoking is banned in all oublic places and workplaces.

Have to be 18 or over to buy.

Cannot advertise tobacco products, have to be kept out of sight in shops and packets carry a health warning. Government is considering plain packaging (2014).

If you sell cigarettes to under 18s = up to £2,500 fine.

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Illegal Drugs - Why Do People Take Them?

  • Socially
  • Grown up in an environment where it is acceptable (parents take them)
  • To do something bad
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Illegal Drugs - Side Effects

Crack Cocaine - Brief sense of euphoria, followed by a calm. Sweating and heart rate increase, and this can lead to fatal dehydration and kidney or liver problems.

Ecstasy - Helps you relax and heightens the senses, but can cause a lack os motivation and long term psychological problems including schizophrenia.

Cannabis - Often used for depression or anxiety. Has a calming effect. Reactions are slowed, which increases the risk of accidents.

Tranquillisers - Very addictive and heavy use can cause fatal heart problems and convulsions. It also damages the lungs and causes chest pains.

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Illegal Drugs - Social Consequences

  • Destroys relationships (friends, family, professional, partner)
  • Children can develop emotional issues, trust can be shattered
  • Professional life - Unexplained absences, depleted sick days and eventually job loss
  • Depending on the choice of drug, there may be a financial strain
  • Isolation
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Illegal Drugs - Classification A


Ecstasy LSD 


Crack Cocaine

- Punishment for possession: Maximum 7 years in prison

- Punishment for dealing: Maximum life in prison for supply

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Illegal Drugs - Classification B

Amphetamines (speed)

Cannabis (pot, weed)

- Punishment for possession: Maximum 5 years in prison

- Punishment for dealing: Maximum 14 years in prison for supply

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Illegal Drugs - Classification C

Anabolic steroids - legal possession if prescribed by doctor

Tranquillisers e.g. temazepam - Maximum 2 years in prison for possession without prescription

Punishment for dealing: For both, maximum 14 years in prison for supply

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Illegal Drugs - Cannabis

1928 - 2004 and since 2009 - Class B

2004 - 2009 - Class C

So currently it is of Class B

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Illegal Drugs - Cannabis

Why should cannabis be class B?

  • 202 skunk cannabis (much stronger) has gone from a 30% share to an 81% share
  • Consequences can be very severe for mental health

Why should cannabis be class C?

  • Few apparent ill effects
  • It is a drug that people can use in their homes, so it is not really hurting anyone (other than the person who consumes it)
  • Cannabis is becoming more dangerous when people have to go to 'street' drug dealers

Why should cannabis be legal?

  • Could argue that alcohol is just as bad/risky as cannabis and it is still legal
  • A regulated, legal market in cannabis would reduce cannabis sales and use among teenagers, as well as reduce their exposure to other drugs in the illegal market
  • Cannabis is not a lethal drug
  • Recreatonal value, with relatively mild side effects
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Drugs Facts

  • 50% of burglary is belived to be drug related
  • 1 in 3 adults have used an illegal drug in their lifetime
  • 16 - 24 year olds are the highest group of drug users and also the age group most likely to have drugs on a regular basis
  • Only 12% or young people (16 - 24 year olds) think it is OK to use cocaine occasionally
  • More likely to do drugs if from a poor household (under £10,000 a year)
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Illegal Drugs Facts

Drug use in the UK is declining, according to government figures

But more yong people use legal 'highs' than anywhere else in Europe (1/4 of European total)

Most common drugs in the UK

- Cannabis (78%)

- Cocaine (24%)

- Ecstasy (16%)

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Risks of Tobacco Smoking

  • 4 times greater risk of coronary heart disease
  • 13 times greater risk of dying from lung disease
  • 4 times greater risk of stroke
  • 23 times greater chance of developing lung cancer in men
  • 13 times greater chance of developing lung cancer in women
  • 5.4 million people die from tobacco use every year
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Smoking Research

Research commissioned by ASH in 2010 has shown that the cost to the the NHS of treating disease caused by smoking is approximately 2.7 billion per year

Another reasearch estimates 5.2 billion per year

Policy exchange 2010, society cost = 13.74 billion per year

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Drugs Research

For every £1 taxpayers spend on drug treatment, they save £2.50 in reduced crime and lower costs to the NHS

Drug tax money = 4.9 billion

= 960,000,000 reduced tax money on drug related crime

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Positives and Negative of D,A&S on Society


  • 2012 - 2013, UK government made 12.3b out of cigarette taxes
  • 2012 - 2013, UK government made 10b out of alcohol taxes
  • 2012 - 2013, UK government made 1.25b out of legal drugs taxes

> towards NHS, schools etc.


  • Smoking cost on society = 13.74 billion per year
  • Greater risk of disease (see stats)
  • Family impacts
  • Leads to crime
  • Costs police
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  • Helps turn people lives around
  • Detox, aftercare
  • Helps you get back into society, relationships
  • Medical assessment
  • Everyday support
  • Talk with others


  • Expensive
  • Emotionally and physically draining

Abstinence - Completely stopping taking drugs

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Religious Organisation

The Salvation Army

  • Offer group therapy and one on one support
  • Try to understand the root of their problems
  • They have run addictive programmes to help those who are homeless and have an addiction
  • They offer a drugs and alcohol free lifestyle, in order to not appear hypocritical
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