ChEmIsTrY ReViSiOn :)

Chemistry Revision for End of year Exams year 8

  • Created by: Ayesha
  • Created on: 01-05-11 20:23

eLeMeNtS Questions

1. How many known elements are there?

2. How many are naturally occuring?

3. Is the periodic table made up mostly of metals or non-metals?

4. Which 2 substances are metal but liquid at room temperature?

5. Name the first 5 elements of the Periodic table.

6. Is Carbon a gas or solid?

7. What is the chemical symbol for Potassium?

8. Is bronze in the periodic table?

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eLeMeNtS Answers

1. About 115

2. 92

3. Metals

4. Mercury, Bromine

5. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Berylium, Boron

6. Solid

7. K

8. No

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CoMpOuNdS & MiXtUrEs Questions

1. How many different atoms are there in a compound?

2. Is water an element, compound or mixture?

3. What is a compound?

4. What is a mixture?

5. How do you chemically combine 2 or more substances together?

6. Copper and Oxygen react to form which compound?

7. Can you seperate all mixtures through filteration?

8. Mixtures are generally seperated by what method?

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CoMpOuNdS & MiXtUrEs Answers

1. 2 or more

2. Compound

3. Different chemically combined elements

4. Elements that have been mixed together without any chemical help

5. Heat

6. Copper Oxide

7. No

8. Physical

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SePeRaTiNg SuBsTaNcEs Questions

1. What is the order for obtaining salt from sand?

2. What is the method to seperate colours from each other?

3. Describe the steps to get pure water from distillation.

4. What is the difference from Pure water and Clean water?

5. Why does filteration only work with a solid and a liquid?

6. How would you sepereate salt from a salt solution?



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SePeRaTiNg SuBsTaNcEs Answers

1. dissolving in water - filtration - evaporation

2. Chromatography

3. The dirty water is heated to the boiling point. Then it evaporates and becomes water vapour. The water vapour goes into the leibig condenser and condenses back into liquid water. The liquid water runs down the leibig condenser and into the beaker as purified water whilst the other substances remain solid in the flask.

4. Pure Water- no other chemicals in it. Clean Water- no harmful chemicals in it

5. If it were just mixed chemicals, the substances wont seperate

6. Evaporation

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MeTaLs & NoN-MeTaLs Questions

1. Name the properties of metals.

2. What does ductile mean?

3. What does Malleable mean?

4. Can a metal or non-metal conduct electricity?

5. What do non-metals do to keep us warm?

6. What does insulate mean?

7. Is iron magnetic?

8. Graphite and Diamonds are made out of which element?

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MeTaLs & NoN-MeTaLs Answers

1. Ductile, Malleable, Shiny, Good conductors of electricity, Dense, Hard

2. Can be drawn into wire

3. Beaten into shape

4. Metals can conduct electricity

5. Insulate heat

6. Trap air

7. Yes

8. Carbon

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AtOmS Questions

1. What is an atom?

2. How many types of atoms are there in each element?

3. Do atoms combine in small or large numbers?

4. Can atoms be divided, created or destroyed?

5. Can some elements have the same type of atom as each other?

6. Can atoms be joined with other atoms?

7. What is the name for 2 or more atoms joined together?

8. In CO2, how many different types of atoms are there? (eg. 1 atom for 1 type of element)

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AtOmS Answers

1. The smallest particle of an element

2. 1

3. Small

4. No

5. No, each element has their own type of atom

6. Yes

7. Molecule

8. 2


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DeCoMpOsItIoN & PrEcIpItAtIoN Questions

1. What does decomposition mean?

2. What does precipitation mean?

3. Name some animals that help the decomposition od things.

4. When would precipitation occur?

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DeCoMpOsItIoN & PrEcIpItAtIoN Answers

1. Break down into simpler parts

2. Chemical reation which forms a solid by mixing 2 solutions

3. Flies, worms

4. When 2 solutions are being mixed together

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eLeCtRoLySiS, PeRiOdIc TaBlE, PaRtIcLeS

Electrodes- Solide conductors of electricity attached to a power supply in electrolysis

Electrolysis- Passing electricity through a compound when it is molten or in a solution to break it down

Electroplating- Putting a thin coating of a metal onto another metal using electrolysis

Periodic Table- Solids, Liquids, Gases. Metals-right, Non-metals-left. Bromine & Mercury are metals but liquids at room temp.

Particles- Solid- Strong bonds, tightly packed, lots of vibration. Liquid- Bonds, room to move around in, less vibration between particle. Gas- Weak bonds, lots of space, no vibration between particle.

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ReNeW, Re-UsE, ReCyClE

Renew- To make something new again

Re-Use- When you use the object over and over again

Recycle- To break the object down and make it into something else

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SoLuBiLiTy & InSoLuBiLtY Questions

1. What is a solvent?

2. What is a solute?

3. What is a solution?

4. What does insoluble mean?

5. What does soluble mean?

6. Name an insoluble solution.

7. If there is 10g of salt and 100g of water, what is the mass of the salt solution?

8. What is a saturated solution?

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SoLuBiLiTy & InSoLuBiLiTy Answers

1. The liquid which the solid dissolves in

2. The solid which is being dissolved in the solvent

3. The mixture of the dissolved solid in the liquid

4. Cant be dissolved

5. Can be dissolved

6. Calcium Carbonate in water

7. 10g + 100g = 110g

8. Cannot dissolve anymore solute

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